Should Be Common Sense

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I posted this thread on "another board" a few years ago. But since I never posted it here I thought it would be appropriate. This is a summarized version of the thread I posted almost three years ago. I've given credit to those that added to my "Top Ten Commone Sense Hobby Survival Guide".

I know it's long. But if you read the BOLD print it should get you by.

01) Delete the history on your computer daily: Unless you are the only one to have access to your computer, sooner or later prying eyes will find sites you don't want seen.

02) Verify visually you have your keys if you lock your car at a session: Pop-a-Lock is a great service but locking your keys in the car causes delays and may require additional explanations when the credit card bill comes in.

03) Secure your cell phone: Turn our cell phone off just prior to walking in the door of a session. We've all heard the stories about accidental calls being made during a session. Delete all sent and received numbers as well as txt messages from your cell. Pretty much the same reasons as clearing your computer history.

03a) Get a "Pay as you Go" cell phone for hobby usage: No paper trail. No monthly bills, with calling record listed. If a provider doesn't like the "pay as you go feature"....Fuck it.... her lack of ability to trace it is another added safety feature.... OUR safety feature! At least one infamous Southern provider has made it clear that she tracks cell phone accounts. (Mr. GIz)

3b) Be prepared if your hobby phone is discovered: Either scratch the hell out of it to make it look like something you picked up or set the phone up with somebody's name that you don't know so that you can say you found it. Be careful how much you try to hide it. (alwayswillngnable)

04) Have an alibi ready for why you're in an area just in case you're seen: Make sure your "reason" for being unavailable does not include another party unless that party knows about it. The key is to keep things simple enough that it's easy to remember but have just enough detail so it's believable.

05) Make sure you have the correct gift: There are enough ways to screw up a session. Stiffing a gal will never endear you to her.

06) Consider the courtesy shower: You've been sitting around all day collecting sweat on your b*lls . Do you really think a provider wants to go there? One gal told me she had a client that smelled like he kept a fish in his pants! Another gal told me the gent had a stench that she could smell through the door. The situation isn't always such that the shower is practical. But a simple, "Mind if I take a quick rinse?" can really make a difference.

07) Use email from a Hotmail or other less traceable service over PM when possible: PMs are left on the aspd server until they're deleted by the recipient. If the horror of all horrors occurs (LE confiscates a lady's computer) LE can log on aspd and read PMs until a MOD is contacted and the account shut down.

08) Do not have the room in your name unless YOU will be the ONLY ONE using it: A couple of years ago there was a story about an attorney in TX that brought a gal in from OK. The plane reservations and hotel room were in his name. The idea was that she would only see him and his hobby friends. She got ambitious and decided to see some other gents. One of the gents turned out to be LE. The attorney's name and face were plastered across the front page; several charges were brought against him.

09) Remember the single bell assumption: Do your homework. Unless an ad or review states msog are available it's more likely than not only one bell will be offered. If the one bell rule is a deal breaker, just go ahead and ask the lady.

10) Tacked to the top of this forum there's a reminder:

No minors, drugs, violence, animals

If any of these items pop up CUT AND RUN! Getting busted for being a john is bad, adding any of those items makes it news.

11) Receipts: Throw away the receipts from your pockets! Any receipts which could place you at a certain location, at a certain time! Have you ever heard of someone who left a receipt in his pocket with condom purchases on it? (Mr. Giz)

12) Credit card bills: Remember the monthly statements... and what info they include! (Mr. Giz)

13. Caution about your e-mail address: Check and see what name your e-mail address delivers along with the screen name. You don't want your name floating out there. So you may need to get a new one. As simple as hitting yahoo and signing up for a new account. It's free. (alwayswillingnable)

14. Don't go home smelling too clean with a different soap: If you've been working and need to take a shower great. Make sure you clean up good afterward too. You don't want to smell like your friend if a f**king miracle happens and somebody at home decides she is going down when you get home. A small travel bottle of your shampoo, your soap is cheaper than.... But don't go home smelling like you just got out of the shower either. During the summer this is easy. Standing outside for ten minutes usually take care of that. (alwayswillingnable)

15. Be prepared that you'll have to swap vehicles one day with you know who: Be careful what you leave in it and where you leave it in it. Those places that she never goes and would never look will be the place that for some reason while she is in your car will be the first place she needs to get something out of. (alwayswillingnable)

15a) Be especially careful with unused raincoats especially if you've had a vasectomy: Ut’s extremely hard to explain them away as balloons for a kid's birthday party. (Cross reference to 16)

16) Bring a raincoat with you: More than once I've had well known and experienced providers discover they had forgotten to pack covers. I always bring a couple of my favorite brand just in case. If I don't use them I'll leave them with the lady.

17) Avoid fronting cash or bartering: If you advance a gal some money it's best to just consider it a true gift. All the gals have good intentions of repaying you, but it's hard for them to turn down "new cash". They have bills to pay too. Bartering service for service never seems to work.


Oh, one item of minor consequence so it doesn't belong in the big 10. Not every gal likes the "surprise" thumb up her butt. OK, I admit it. Someone asked me to mention this one
annie@christophers's Avatar
IS there anytjing REALLY useful here for the girls.....Nice to see we have advanced to another board> call nus when yall are safe..... annie Or actually when ya can stand your ground...this past week ya have seen how many bow out> Stupid shit is just that>> stupid! The girls should be allowed to answer or the will be run over once again... give them a chance since you want them to be s0 independent. aspd can rest in peace(kimda) Rock on with a new day EVERYBODY... annie
Oh, these work for us too.
I lived with an SO who had no idea for the longest time. When I was newer lady, I slipped up a few times.

He borrowed my car to run to the store once. He needed a pen to jot something else down on a list of errands or something. He opened my glove compartment to search for one... and oops, a small container of lubricant that we don't use. Man, that was the phone call from hell. I had two of my girlfriends cover for me. One made up a story about how they'd used it to prank me or some stupid bs. It was helpful, but I still had to explain why I even had lube at all to them, which was harder than talking my way out of it with the (now ex) SO. Women, as you know, are much nosier.

All should take courtesy showers before they play, even ladies. Every now and then, if I'm comfy with a gent, meaning we've seen each other before... and I have a flat or curling iron handy, I'll take one with him. It's always a fun start to the sesh!

I disagree with the bartering rule. Hahhh. I've gotten some great things that I would've bought with cash anyway from the barter system. Plus, it's always fun to giggle and smirk about your "GREAT HOOKUP."
laoilman's Avatar
Been burned with the bartering rule. Fronted a well known local provider who was in a bind and in need of help. Told her up front would be several months before I could work her into my schedule but she assured me we would hook up. She made no effort to follow up and moved out of the area with no correspondence or attempt to contact me. It's no so much the money because I don't mind helping people but the lack of effort on her part to repay the "loan" which was not a minimal amount.
Reminds me of the story of the man and his little girl standing in the front yard and there are 2 dogs locked up in the yard. The little girl says to her dad "what are those dogs doing"? He says to her that the dog in the back has a hurt leg and the dog in the front is helping him across the yard. She responded, dad dogs must be alot like people. How is that honey he said. Well, if you try to help someone they fuck you (which in this case they don't fuck you).