I can't get no satisfaction

funster's Avatar
The Rolling Stones made the line famous. While it is a line, there is also some truth to it - probably the reason why it was such a successful song.

Maybe it's a mid-life crisis, maybe it's all of the turmoil I have going on in my life currently - I don't know. I've been on a bit of a hobby spree as of late. Don't get me wrong, I am not dissatisfied with any of the providers I have seen lately; on the contrary, each has been absolutely wonderful. It's just like, well, it (the time together) isn't enough. That's concerning. One provider, whom I have a session scheduled with, recently PM'd me asking me if our time together was going to be enough for me. I found that odd. I am guessing that the amount of ISO's I've posted recently triggered the question. The question really got me to thinking. Is it really enough?

I can't explain it. There is a physical and emotional desire for relationship, intimacy and sexual activity that seems to permeate my thoughts lately; however, it isn't providing the satisfaction I have experienced in the past (and hobbying wise I go back to pre-crash ASPD days.... pre first crash). Perhaps it has to do with my divorce. Perhaps it has to do with my age, age related lowered testosterone levels, getting phat-old-bald,.... I don't know.

My question is this: Whether it be cars, women, alcohol, shopping, or whatever symptom relieving element/activity, have any of you experienced the "I can't get no satisfaction" syndrome? If so, what did you do about it?
johnclark's Avatar
If I become bored I tend to feel unsatisfied. Therefore I always try to have something to look forward to, be it a session with a hot provider, a weekend getaway, a new toy or project, etc. If today turns out to be a bummer, there's always tomorrow or next week or next month.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yes and I think it come with aging ( I'm 56 married 4 x etc not as many tomorrows to play with)
To me providers that have great TCB (to get the appointment w/o drama ) and IOP (to make me thing "I'm the one) is very important.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I just take a break from whatever it is that is boring me. That is a completely natural feeling, though.

I move in and out of things a lot. No point in trying to fight/understand it.

It will all still be here if/when you're ready to come back