A lot of people run their cars catless to have a better flowing exhaust. I would find a muffler shop to install a straight pipe that would cost you around a hundred bucks. It would be loud and illegal, however I've driven several cars catless and never had any problems getting the car inspected. Your car will probably throw a code which will turn on the check engine light, but there should be someone who tunes cars that can turn off the check engine light.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Wow yall just ruining yalls cars then huh?? I've proudly owned my vehicle since 08 and never had one thing ( until the cat theft) ever go wrong with it and it's coming up on 350k . No lights ever hit my dash and driving record is perfect never a parking or speeding or traffic ticket nor any accidents I PLAN to keep it that way.. it was repaired with the manufacturers part and a steel grate welded to bottom no1 is accessing anything except the oilpan.. without a blowtorch and around hh of welding the grate off the frame,which when they see the ring doorbell they will know I'm omw directly.. if they are ignorant enough to stay their next ride will be by either ambulance or coroner.. ( because in Texas your vehicle is an extension of your hone and have the right to bare arms to protect it)
But not to mention you know your converter converts deadly gasses from your motors engine and away from your fan which keeps it from leaking into your airvent.. I don't know about you but I don't want carbon monoxide leaking into my cab just to save a couple 100 bucks my life is worth more .. the cat acts as a vacuum it SUCKS those gasses into it to send it down to the muffler .. so if your feeling sick often it's probably because your ingesting carbon monoxide everytime you get into your cheaply fixed vehicle..