Any M&Gs in the DFW area

Will there be any M&Gs in the DFW area?
yohollyrock's Avatar
Wish there was Tucson--seems nobody wants to set up a "Fight Club" that nobody ever goes to or that never happens. I miss seeing the guys and especially seeing all of our lovely ladies!! Cmon somebody--we need a get together!!
I have attended many M&Gs through out Texas and at each a good time was had by all. Whether it was a private or open venue I had the chance to meet many lovely ladies. I bring this subject up every once in a while hoping some one has a party in the works.
pmdelites's Avatar
there have been many over the years. i remember an ASPD lunch at the now defunct Cuba Libre restaurant on henderson [circa 2001]. and in the past few years, some at various restaurants, bars, and adult & gentlemen clubs around town.

imo, the problem w/ these is that they either a) get too big to manage or b) someone gets their guy panties in a twist wrt the organizers and then goes and spills the beans or causes out and out havoc in peoples' real lives. i guess they feel that tearing someone else down builds them up.

so, if you decide to hold one, keep it small and with people you can "trust" to keep it all cool and deliteful. i know, harder said than done.

good luck!

oh, let me know when you schedule one :^)
I don't know about any problems but the Dallas Christmas party was fun and and I think every one I talked to enjoyed them selves. Even when I bring some one to a party we both are on our own while the party is going on. Emerald7 and I have attended parties together with the understanding that while at the party we each go our own way. After the party we spend the night.It is an opportunity to meet ladies and gents that I only know through ECCIE. To tell the truth I get beauty overload and forget who was who. Next time I will take a note book and keep notes.
pmdelites's Avatar
i get what you are saying.
i've also escorted a provider to one party and had a deliteful consulting session afterwards.

at another, i was permitted a full touch inspection of one provider's recent breast augmentation surgery - oh la la la!!! my doubles session w/ her and the woman who introduced me was one of my first doubles and was off my charts!

at others, i've met women who i still consult with. and met women there knowing we had a session scheduled for after the party.

there are lots of advantages to these.

BUT, perhaps you didnt hear about all the shit that hit the fan after one party.
it was NOT pretty!!!!!
let's just say, they took more than a notebook w/ them to the party.

it's just difficult to keep everyone safe.
The parties I have attended I have take pictures with permission. Nothing off color just group shots. I look at it as a chance to determine if I want to see a woman later. Window shopping if you like. I find the guys I meet have the same values I have and posts by them later take on a more personnel level. Screening is needed but that should be no problem.
If you have been a member since 2010 or before and you still have to ask you either are not talking to the right people or there is a reason why you are specifically not in the know.

The parties I have attended I have take pictures with permission. Nothing off color just group shots. Originally Posted by tucson

You got permission from each and every person at the party? How's that working for you? Seems not well to me since you're here asking where all the parties went.
What a strange thing to say. You and I have never met that I know of and you presume to think I would do some thing improper.
I was just having a difficult time thinking of any scenario in which a camera would be welcome to private gathering. Possibly if it was your personal gathering of your own choosing and everyone individually gave permissions. It's just not very discreet. I apologize if I seemed harsh, it was not my intention. I was surprised. Maybe I misspoke and that would be perfectly fine among people you hope to meet.

Good luck to you in your search.
Look for a PM
pyramider's Avatar
Meet & Greets tend to be tainted endeavors.
Will there be any M&Gs in the DFW area? Originally Posted by tucson
Ariel Amour hosts parties in ft worth. I've been to one and had a blast. Not really a M&G, but a great way to meet and "greet" some folks.

I also remember there being ECCIE get togethers at fantasy ranch. That was before I even really got into depth about the hobby. Lol.

I wish Dallas had more M&G that were open and very sociable. I hate cliques. San Antonio on the other hand has a lot of M&Gs, Ive never been to one, but there eccie community there have always been more than eager to host parties and such...
CK1942 throws great parties in both San Antonio and Austin. I have been to several and met some wonderful people.
I used to hear about a guy who stalked LMM and even had an avatar that was of her pimps grill. Whether that was true or not, I don't know. But when that guy got tagged with that perception by others in the community, I am pretty sure he was off of a few people's social list.