SweaterPuppies banned

broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-11-2014, 03:16 AM
Sometimes it makes me sad, though... SweaterPuppies being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss SweaterPuppies..
You gonna join her on a Mexican beach? Help her sand a boat?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You gonna join her on a Mexican beach? Help her sand a boat? Originally Posted by Prolongus
Maybe Broes will go to Zihuatanejo after a long bus ride and meet up with his friend....Assuming of course that she left him an envelope full of cash in the middle of nowhere to pay for it.
  • !VI!
  • 11-11-2014, 06:21 AM

oh no break from trolling... let me go grab tissues
Who said sweaterpuppies is a she?
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I cried in my cereal when I found this out. I mean I would if I actually ate cereal.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Honestly, I don't know the back story of SP or the other handles associated with this member but I found her comments, while biting and often against Eccie guidelines, to be absolutely hilarious.

This is a very clever person.

I'm sure that she's given the Dallas moderators a bunch of headaches but it's members like her (and thankfully for us readers, we have a few more on board at this time! lol) that keep the board interesting.

I'm not sure if it's a she/he/transgendered or whatever. I would think, with the writing style, that this person is female but who really knows? It's not important.

Hope that she's trolling someone in the land of banned.

Yeah ... I miss that person, too. Was surprised at the banning but again, I don't know the scoop with that at all. It seems as if the folks here in Dallas coed were expecting it to happen again? It seems as if SweaterPuppies was expecting it.
Boltfan's Avatar
Thanks Red, I mean broes
Who said sweaterpuppies is a she? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
s/he IS a she.


Many may dislike her but like EW says, they're a very smart person and I love the humor. I think of SP the same way I describe Deion Sanders - love him or hate him, when he had the ball you had to watch because you knew you were going to be entertained.

I impatiently await their return.

Don't know why the ban is going on either but I'll start the rumor ManSlut was giving her ML access lol.
rew1256's Avatar
Many may dislike her but like EW says, they're a very smart person and I love the humor. I think of SP the same way I describe Deion Sanders - love him or hate him, when he had the ball you had to watch because you knew you were going to be entertained.

I impatiently await their return.

Don't know why the ban is going on either but I'll start the rumor ManSlut was giving her ML access lol.
Originally Posted by EasyLover214
I believe SP and MS and one and the same.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
Who said sweaterpuppies is a she? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
He did.
daty/o's Avatar
Can I have the sheep?
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Awww, I love you all!

You guys won't believe what happened! Oh my gosh! So, I was banned the other day by my arch-nemesis, Dorito, and I kind of laughed it off and moved on with my life. Etchy was becoming such a time-waste in my life, so I was kind of relieved because I need to be studying instead of trolling you fucks.

I woke up this morning to an email from a friend who was all butthurt that I got banned, I read it, smiled, and went back to getting my much needed beauty rest. Then I had a freakin' dream about Etchy and the mods unbanned me. It was an odd dream, I even emailed my friend about it today... but maybe I am really a "precog," you know, those pale fuckers with precognitive abilities from the movie Minority Report.

I just opened Etchy because I was going to make some new troll handles, and lo and behold, that asshole Dorito said it was an "accidental banning" and begged for forgiveness. I knew they would miss me, this place is too dull with the same shit over and over. Now I have 48 points, and counting

Now buckle your seat-belts, sit down, and shut up motherfuckers. Prepare your anuses for my HATRED-FUELED-TROLLING-EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back!!!! Boltfans been missing you alot. I think even Manslut has been dreaming about you. Pour guy he is still banned. I doubt his was an accident, he had his coming to him.