To try to answer your question, yes, with a caveat. Sentence would depend on the number of times the person broke the law. First time offenders should be given more leniency than third time offenders, depending on the crime of course.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The concept is Equal Protection under the Law. SR has a valid point - that aspect is covered under sentencing guidelines. Judges are human and not perfect, but guidelines allow for consideration of factors such as above in sentencing.
Absolutely - Equal Protection under the Law is something I support - even for idiots such as some of those on this forum who set themselves in judgment of all, and place themselves and their special privilege groups above the Law.
Time to ignore the Hateful Trolls.
Nothing Cogent or Constructive to contribute other than name-calling and hate. Happy to enjoy the privileges of American Constitutional Republic - while spewing foulness about the military who serves and protects.
Typical DPST.