Why am I not surprised!

lickidyclit's Avatar
The major news headlines this week show Trump again shooting his mouth off,this time about McCain in his traditional bullying manor we all have become familiar with. Hard to believe that a sitting President of the united States is allowed to voice such disrespectful rhetoric publicly! Of course his mafia will say its fake news,right? How they or anybody can condone this guy's actions truly amazes me!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The major news headlines this week show Trump again shooting his mouth off,this time about McCain in his traditional bullying manor we all have become familiar with. Hard to believe that a sitting President of the united States is allowed to voice such disrespectful rhetoric publicly! Of course his mafia will say its fake news,right? How they or anybody can condone this guy's actions truly amazes me! Originally Posted by lickidyclit

McCain was not a war hero. got that?
The major news headlines this week show Trump again shooting his mouth off,this time about McCain in his traditional bullying manor we all have become familiar with. Hard to believe that a sitting President of the united States is allowed to voice such disrespectful rhetoric publicly! Of course his mafia will say its fake news,right? How they or anybody can condone this guy's actions truly amazes me! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
I don't think he should continue this line of discourse concerning McCain but his family has been rather rude to Trump.

I though Obama was disrespectful to McCain, also.

I used to think JFK was a real war hero until I considered his father might have bought his favorable press as well as his admission to Harvard. Then I became a cynic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where ya been, my brother? We missed you!

I think the notion that McCain’s family insulted Trump as an excuse for his shameful behavior is silly.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
McCain was not a war hero. got that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nope. That’s a smear being broadcast by the Ovaltine Office.

What’s it gonna take for you to jump off the Trump train wreck?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
McCain was not a war hero. got that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Depends on one's definition of "war hero" but I too would not really consider him to be a hero. But unlike Trump McCain served when called. So if McCain is not a "war hero" how would you classify Trump's "military" career? A coward maybe?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Depends on one's definition of "war hero" but I too would not really consider him to be a hero. But unlike Trump McCain served when called. So if McCain is not a "war hero" how would you classify Trump's "military" career? A coward maybe? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He’s the dude who dressed up as a woman to escape the Titanic with the other women and children.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nope. That’s a smear being broadcast by the Ovaltine Office.

What’s it gonna take for you to jump off the Trump train wreck? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

No. it's my opinion of McCain. nothing Trump says about him changed my opinion of a dead rotting log in the ground.

Two things - absolute proof of collusion with Russia or the pee tape.

Mueller's gonna save you from this nightmare, right???

Depends on one's definition of "war hero" but I too would not really consider him to be a hero. But unlike Trump McCain served when called. So if McCain is not a "war hero" how would you classify Trump's "military" career? A coward maybe? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Clinton did more to avoid 'Nam than Trump did. my Dad took college deferments. then ended up in Korea anyway. Trump isn't a coward for not wanting to go to 'Nam. No one wanted to go there.
I B Hankering's Avatar
McCain's erratic grandstanding during the 2008 financial meltdown was pathetic.

McCain personally picked Palin as his running mate, and then he turned on her out of spite because he lost. It was his decision; not hers.

McCain was a patsy in his final years.

McCain was played by al-Qaeda affiliates in Libya.

McCain was played again by hildebeest affiliates in regards to the Steele dossier.

McCain's pettiness left this country with Odumbocare -- a law he swore to his constituents that he would see repealed.

Finally, McCain didn't have the dignity to resign his seat in the Senate when it was obvious he was terminally ill. McCain's petty selfishness denied his constituents the representation they were constitutionally entitled to because he wanted to die holding a seat in the Senate.

McCain dishonored himself. Benedict Arnold was an America "hero" ... until he wasn't.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Clinton did more to avoid 'Nam than Trump did. my Dad took college deferments. then ended up in Korea anyway. Trump isn't a coward for not wanting to go to 'Nam. No one wanted to go there. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I did not want to got to Nam either, but when drafted, I served. Trump used up his college deferments, as I did, and then developed "bone spurs" and was classified 1Y. I have had bone spurs all my life. Trump's bone spurs miraculously went away when he got a high number in the draft lottery which guaranteed he would not get drafted. In my book, when it comes to military service, both Clinton and Trump took the low road.
JCM800's Avatar
Siding with a draft dodging traitor like Trump over a war veteran.

Just when you think the Trumpies can't sink any lower.

Some of you should really consider that move to Russia.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Siding with a draft dodging traitor like Trump over a war veteran.

Just when you think the Trumpies can't sink any lower.

Some of you should really consider that move to Russia. Originally Posted by JCM800

siding with a POW as a war hero? Don't get you this ...

name me one POW who won that?
JCM800's Avatar
siding with a POW as a war hero? Don't get you this ...

name me one POW who won that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The Trump rhetoric has firmly taken hold I see.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Trump rhetoric has firmly taken hold I see.

Originally Posted by JCM800

No. your rhetoric isn't as appealing as you think it is.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Siding with a draft dodging traitor like Trump over a war veteran.

Just when you think the Trumpies can't sink any lower.

Some of you should really consider that move to Russia.
Originally Posted by JCM800

McCain dishonored himself. What he did in the last ten years of his life negated any accomplishments he may have accrued, and he was one of the Keating Five. Benedict Arnold was an American "hero" until he wasn't.