Happy Thanksgiving

Guest123018-4's Avatar
What are you thankful for:

I am thankful to be alive. Because of the continued research of MD Anderson Cancer Center and a drug company that spent a ton of money on a very limited use drug, I survived what was once the fatal stage of cancer.

I am thankful for all of the people that donate blood that kept me alive while I was fighting to live.

I am thankful for all of the support and prayers I had from friends, family and my company.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is nice to know another Blue Card member survived. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I am thankful to be alive & all my "parts" (I lost full use of my right side) are working again after a brain seizure/stroke this year.

I am thankful for family, friends. the doctor, the nurses and some really HOT physical therapists

this is so true...
Too many things to list but basically family, friends, great job, prosperity, upcoming retirement and continued excellent health!

If the damn drought would not have cracked my slab , it would have been a spectacular year!
Tex9401's Avatar
Happy Thanksgivings from West Texas area....Fun and safe day.
Happy Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for a good job and family.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, that Blue Card club is one you never get kicked out of. I do not think you can find a group of people that are as wonderful as them.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am thankful to be alive & all my "parts" (I lost full use of my right side) are working again after a brain seizure/stroke this year.

I am thankful for family, friends. the doctor, the nurses and some really HOT physical therapists

this is so true...
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Wow! I'm thankful you're getting better after that! Get well, soon, darlin'! I have plans . . .

TheDaliLama's Avatar

finish that dry turkey and we'll go burn one......
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 11-22-2012, 11:29 PM
I wish you all joy and happiness especially those who have fought for our way of life. Whether from strength of arms or politically, God Bless you all and your family no matter your political persuasion, for that is what we celebrate today. What an awesome light in the world we are.