life lessons learned

theshadow00's Avatar
Irecently had a problem with a provider that will remain nameless some of you will know who I'm talking about! It started at the end of July when she asked me to watch her dog she when she was on vacation ok no big deal I have before the day I was to meet her she texted that she had lost some money! Ok how much do you need sweetie? So I'm off to bank to get some money for her this is on a Friday at 5in the afternoon i get to the meeting place she gives me her and some food for him and we talk for a bit. I askher so how are you going to be out of town she till the 6th I give the money to her now let's move on to the 9th I send text to her just to see if she is ok ? She replys yes I m fine !!! I ask when you coming home ? I will be home Sunday !! Well Sunday comes and gos Monday night about 7 she sent me text when can you meet me so ican get my dog I tell her right now is good .so we meet the first thing she said I still have your money but doesn't offered to give me back so I ask if i can get a session on Saturday oh sure is her reply !! Well I had cancel the appointment and ask to do it the next weekend in the middle of the week she tell that she needs cancel ok when can get session ?? Her reply is I don't know will next week ?? Ok then how about you just give me my money well I got the money I loaded her but she still has not paid me for the table I built for her
Hmm, I am going to try to figure this one out. Someone you will not name went out of town. She asked you to watch something or someone. You also gave or loaned her some money. She came back and got her dog. Still had your money and you wanted a session. you have had trouble scheduling the session. She gave your money back.

Where the hell did the table come in?

And you posted this why? In what way does this help anyone?
theshadow00's Avatar
the thing that I learned is never trust anyone no matter how much of a friend you think they are
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Would you mind repeating this in English?

Where the hell did the table come in?
Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I missed that chapter also, like a poorly written mystery novel with a couple of pages torn out
Lol, yeah, lending money to provider has been proven to be successful venture:-) You should have done some basic research.
pyramider's Avatar
Well, he could sell the dog to a Korean restaurant ...
You do not want to name her and have 1 review.

The Captain Obvious in me says your ability to keep her anonymous failed.

Never loan a provider money. It isn't a loan in their eyes. It's a GIFT.
  • EZ.
  • 09-26-2014, 08:03 PM
the thing that I learned is never trust anyone no matter how much of a friend you think they are Originally Posted by theshadow00
You get this from the initial scenario? Dogs, tables, missed sessions ...Wow!

I have friends that would die for me and visa versa. Get some real friends.

Any business you have with a provider is business. I'm surprised you got your money back.

Women are harder to train than a good dog.
I still fail to understand why you posted.
  • EZ.
  • 09-26-2014, 08:24 PM
I still fail to understand why you posted. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
He got some pussy and thinks it's love.
theshadow00's Avatar
well if looked at the dates you would see that it not the one I did a review on I have been seeing this provider for a long time when she was still working Campbowie in ft worth
  • EZ.
  • 09-26-2014, 08:28 PM
well if looked at the dates you would see that it not the one I did a review on I have been seeing this provider for a long time by when was still working Campbowie in ft worth Originally Posted by theshadow00
She was a street hooker?
theshadow00's Avatar
And if would look at my post before you started typing you would know that not the one in my review
Wow this one has me really lost