Cash - Is It King?

BigLouie's Avatar
Simple question, if you have investments, what percentage do you have in cash? How much do you think you should have? I don't want any long rants on Obama, just answer the simple question.
Without divulging too much, 75 percent of my "worth" is cash. By that, I mean money in various CD's, passbook, and checking account. I consider my 401k as cash, as it always has a cash out value.

The rest is in Municipals and Stocks.

I don't really invest in stocks that much because I have always invested back into my own business, which through the years has had a steady growth.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Simple question, if you have investments, what percentage do you have in cash? How much do you think you should have? I don't want any long rants on Obama, just answer the simple question. Originally Posted by BigLouie
There is an oil boom transforming America. It isn't too late to benefit from it if you can find the right stocks.

Find the right company with hard working, honest management (tough, I know) and you can prosper. I keep all my money invested, but common stocks can be liquidated for cash at any time, although you can lose money.

Naturally, I hope we can use the fracking technology in Israel to produce oil, also. I also invest in Israeli technology companies, because they are the most innovative in all the world.