No Cryptkicker you didnt explain whay I got a warning

Dev Null's Avatar
I could post his PM's here but I won't. It was just a warning because I posted an urban dictionary definition of "troll". And because I "didn't know when to shut up and let go".

Be forewarned, if you speak up against trolls and cyberbullies as I did, you may be contacted by ECCIE.

No, they didn't revoke my membership or do anything bad to me. Yet.

But I did get a "warning", so be forewarned.
jimmy jump's Avatar
If you instigate shit, expect some of it to blow back on you.
And quit your whining, say yes sir may I have another!
Dev Null's Avatar
No, never intended to instigate shit, just telling it like it is.
Whispers's Avatar
Cryptkicker prefers you do not question his authority.
Dev Null's Avatar
Cryptkicker prefers you do not question his authority. Originally Posted by Whispers
Well I kinda fucked that up, didn't I?
Precious_b's Avatar
He doesn't like to be talked back to.
Dev Null's Avatar
Well there's a lot of things that I don't like. I'm a person too. I just suck it up. He can too.
You know what definitely shows you have the high ground? Creating a whole thread to whine about not liking a mods reason for giving you a warning.

In your way you're every bit as venomous as Whispers, dude. Except Whispers doesn't roll over for anyone and you only attack dudes.
Dev Null's Avatar
I don't think I'm attacking anyone. I just never got a rational explanation for the warning, that's all.
jimmy jump's Avatar
You don’t need an explanation, you know you were part of the ganging up part CK posted about. Sad part is you weren’t banned with kickrocks.
*Free kickrocks*

Keep on Whining.
I’m sure it’s gaining ground.
It has to be?
Dev Null's Avatar
Could you be more specific? Where did I "gang up" on anyone?
jimmy jump's Avatar
That’s it, play the eternal victim, everyone is real impressed.

It was a 0 point warning, on a scale of 1 - 10 of wussing, easy 11!
Dev Null's Avatar
Yes, it was 0 points, but how am I supposed to know what I did wrong when the only explanation that I got was my post of the urban dictionary definition of "troll" and some vague remark about not knowing when to shut up?
Well, what infraction did you receive? That’s your explanation. Not being rude, but do you need a thesis on it? Especially if it was only a warning. They are usually self explanatory. CK tends to be brief, but he also strictly follows the rules.
Just follow the board rules. You can always use this sticky post as a guide going forward.

for the next time it may not be a warning........I'm just saying!