Why are my people always expected to forgive in the name of Jesus

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
When others never have nor ever will extend this kind of forgiveness to us in the name of Jesus. In fact the only extension we ever got in the name of Jesus was a slave whip.

This whole charades is sickening. The victims brother is a brainwashed gutless coward. Beggin to hug his brother killer what in the living FUCK is going on here. If I didnt know any better this brain dead moron is trynna creep up on some pussy. He should have just cupped her ass while he was at it...what a loser he is. And 10 yrs when she will only serve 4 is a fucking joke of epic proportions. Same dam shit happened when that racist bastard killed all those old people at St. Emmanuel. The first thing the victims relatives said was "we forgive" what in holy hell is going on with my people. I'm so frustrated. My heart breaks because unlike them I know for 102% certainty (with a 2% margin of error) that none of you would extend that same kindness to a black person in her shoes.

Look at this shit. Shamful... he's begging to hug her. I just cant bare to watch anymore.

VitaMan's Avatar
No SC.......no
He can't help it vm. In his eyes he was born a victim and will die a victim. we are all the SAME people. "MY people" make this a racist thread.
He will never use what God gave him. That's about all I will say in this thread because it's not about anyone but him.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
He can't help it vm. In his eyes he was born a victim and will die a victim. we are all the SAME people. "MY people" make this a racist thread.
He will never use what God gave him. That's about all I will say in this thread because it's not about anyone but him. Originally Posted by tbone2u
If a black male cop shot and killed a sexy white girl with a nice ass in her own apt because he thought it was his apt would you forgive him. Do you think America would forgive him? Do you think her relatives would hug him and dam near make out with him in the court. Do you think a judge would hug him and bailiff fixed his hair?

Get outta here with that mess
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
She never seemed remorseful for his death only remorseful that his death may cost her her freedom.

And did you see when the judge went back to her chambers & gave Amber her personal copy of the bible so she could take it to TDCJ with her? Insane.
sc.......why don't you take your ass to Chicago and fix that city. Every weekend 40 to 50 blacks get shot by other blacks. I'm sure your preaching would be more beneficial in that city. You are worrying about one.
Try worrying about 40 to 50 every week. That should keep you busy and away from here.
Go do something useful.
What's going on in Chicago is a major crime in humanity. I don't see the black community up in arms about the shootings in Chicago. Why is that?????? Is it easier to pick on one than it is on fifty?
Take your bible with you and go to Chicago.

You refer to black people as "MY PEOPLE" . I never refer to other white people as "MY People". If you are so concerned about people shooting people.....take your ass to Chicago and start there.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Interesting thread SC. Everyone is definitely entitled to their own views. If I don't like a thread, I have enough impulse control to just "not reply". Did you see my message?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
sc.......why don't you take your ass to Chicago and fix that city. Every weekend 40 to 50 blacks get shot by other blacks. I'm sure your preaching would be more beneficial in that city. You are worrying about one.
Try worrying about 40 to 50 every week. That should keep you busy and away from here.
Go do something useful.
What's going on in Chicago is a major crime in humanity. I don't see the black community up in arms about the shootings in Chicago. Why is that?????? Is it easier to pick on one than it is on fifty?
Take your bible with you and go to Chicago.

You refer to black people as "MY PEOPLE" . I never refer to other white people as "MY People". If you are so concerned about people shooting people.....take your ass to Chicago and start there. Originally Posted by tbone2u
My organization affiliate is doing work to help educate gang members across the country. I'm also supportive of Rev Al's National Action Network and other grass roots organizations. However, just to clear the air you need to be aware that there's not a single gotdam thing the likes of you can teach me or educate me on. I literally can learn nothing from you and it's rare I'm so matter of fact. You're not on my level in anyway and even in your best youthful or hey days you couldn't fuck with the kid. You're just not cut from the same cloth as I am. I walk everyday with 3000 of my ancestors behind me. I've consulted with great great men(of all races) the likes of which is beyond your understanding.

My advice to you is stop trynna show out for the girls you're trying to impress you're clearly outmatched trying to go back and forth with SC. I usually take it easy on ya because I understand how people get when they get older. Buy just know that I'm not one of your female puppets that you're trying hard to impress and keep in your stable. ;-)

The subject at hand is Amber Guyer entering the wrong apartment and killing what was essentially a Rhoades Scholar a math wizard and genius an accountant who was at home winding down eating ice cream on his sofa...and here comes some bum person barely making minimum wage gun him down.

And if you want to play devils advocate let me go Barry Bonds on your ass and homer this out the park since your pitches are weak as fuck anyway. Let's look at Chicago as you say. For all of the violence taking place those perps pay the ultimate price and are convicted to either death or 20 to life...most times with no parole. This bitch kills an innocent guy and gets 10 yrs of which she will serve only 4. There is no equity nor is there equality. See how easy I make mince meat of every thing you say. Dude go sit your ass down somewhere and stop posting in my threads stop responding to me, put me on ignore. I find zero value in 100% of incoherent shit you post. It rather annoys me that you try to elevate yourself by addressing me. You're not in my level you or any of your so called friends. I have very low academic and intellectual opinions of you people. Now scram. Go play bingo with your friends. I wasted enough time even addressing you I'm only doing this to show those girls you're trying to impress that there's levels to this and you are outta your league when addressing me. I live rent free in that head of yours.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If I don't like a thread, I have enough impulse control to just "not reply". Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
The issue is they love my threads. What they dont realize is so do 80% of the females on this site. I get PM's all the time from people they'd be surprised by that appreciate my rare contributions.

Their problem is that it's a black guy educating them. That's the root cause of their issue. Trust me on that. It eats away at them. See I know how to talk to white people I know how to reach their centers of emotion it's why they hate me...50 yrs ago people like SC were unheard of. It's hard for them to accept equality. I'm just exposing and laying bare their consciences for them to see.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
She never seemed remorseful for his death only remorseful that his death may cost her her freedom.

And did you see when the judge went back to her chambers & gave Amber her personal copy of the bible so she could take it to TDCJ with her? Insane. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Exactly. This is such a charades. I read all of Amber's racist text messages where she openly mocked Dr. MLK where she said she prefers her dogs to be racist just like her and where she said she always prefers to shoot blacks first. The woman was clearly a menace and I have no doubts that her views contributed to her willingness to shoot this guy so quickly. She was already biased and prejudiced both of which led to her racism.

The victims brother is a gotdam moron. His mentality in my view is part of the same mentality that led to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The terrorist European oppressors comes to you with guns and chains and bondage in mind while you're offering fruit baskets and hugs.

What a fucking world we live in. What a fucking existence.
Sc....you're so eat up with yourself that you make people puke.
You don't even realize how full of shit you are.
Tbonetas comes to mind
Sc....You're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey.
You probably have atleast 6 eight x ten glossys of yourself on your desk. I get involved in your racist threads even tho I know better.
I'm going to wait and watch now until the mods grow enough balls to shut this thread down. You are the epitome of a racists of the worse kind.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Get outta your feelings. This is never about SC.... it's always about your lack of self control and narcissistic show off behavior. Trying to impress the girls in your stable. And alas!! Bringing up the "mods" when you start shit and get your ass handed to you.

What I deplore about you and your click is the fact that you guys have lived a sheltered life. Maybe not rich but definitely privileged and sheltered and then yall come on here acting like you've lived through some shit and acting like you actually know what the fuck you're talking about. When I see all through your life long charades. You guys only speak from perched privilege and/or envy of others. I cant stand people who act like they've lived through some shit while sitting in judgement of others. Especially people who behave this way while paying for pussy and breaking the law themselves. Yet still so judgemental.