Elephant seal dance

I just finished watching a nature show desribing mating habits of the elephant seal. It appears that the strongest bull establishes a harem and protects it for his own selfish wants. Other males wander about hoping to get some small favors from females straying a bit too far from the harem. If the strong male catches the other male, there could be blood! Sometimes I feel like one of those wandering males. I feel lucky to get what I get. In humans it is a bit different. One is supposed to pick a mate and have her for life. What if one party decides not to be faithful in the sense that he/she cannot be counted upon to be there ever? There is divorce or in many cases one plays around. I have always felt like one of the wandering males lucky to have had what I did. Now I know most of you gents are the strong bull with the harem, but there must be some like me. Gents: Do you feel fortunate and appreciative to the ladies you are with? Ladies: Do you feel like there are some appointments you wish you had not made? Since a list of don't for the gents is posted, I know there are some of those. I know there must be a few that you couldn't wait until they finished. I know one case where the lady took one look at him through the peephole and refused to open the door. It wasn't me! If you desire, you can write about me. I'm a big boy and all but retired. My days of trying to help you achieve a screaming, moaning sometimes squirting orgasm are over unless they make a pill which can work on me. However, I've checked the bankbook and can afford the company of a beautiful woman. The wife leaves town at the end of July and I'l be lonely. My blow up doll has a bad attitude and the holes in the fence give me splinters.
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Thank you for the supply of information. I appreciate it. I have a degree in Psychology and have read many books on sexuality because I took the wife to counceling and the therapist asked that we read more about the subject. Humans are definitely not monogamous creatures. In fact, the biological drive to make as many offspring as possible is greater than the drive for fidelity. However, I believe the institution of marriage was created to protect the females and to support the theory that females need to pick the males that will provide the best offspring. That theory has two flaws. 1. No one was thinking that females might actually be enjoying the act. 2. No one was taking in to consideration the fact that men have a subliminal drive to produce many offspring and furthermore they don't take in to consideration that sex is for pleasure and not only to reproduce. Society has taught women to not only just have sex for reproduction only, but in fact teaches them not to like it to the point where they just aren't there for the males in marriage at all. If you look at suggestions for polygamy, rarely will you see a case where a woman wants to have more than one husband. It is usually a case where the males want more than one wife. Providers satisfy a need in society. When you look at provider complaints and one is that he 'used the toilet' and another is that he 'passed gas' it is a sign that there is more in play. Maybe, as your post indicates humans are not meant to mate for life, but the institution of marriage is deep and well protected. I believe it is so to protect females. If you want to see which marriages are doing extremely well, you need to just ask is the sex there and is it frequent and enjoyable. If after seven years, it is waning, then someone, just because it is biological, will seeks satisfaction elsewhere. I think the articles you have posted indicate well that true monogamy is rare amongst animals and that (holy smoke) women are involved too! Funny, sex has been going on for thousands of years but only in the last couple hundred have we discovered and publicisced that females can like it too! Thanks for reading my thread .