Sister tinylatina

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Should she get sainthood ta make it St. tinylatina?

For going above and beyond call of duty taking down a Evil White Knight.
This would be easier ta ask if the chicken shit White Knight did not run away to hide.
Rather than stay and tell his side of story that could drop her of this, or firm it up.

but as he ran

Should she become patron saint protecting all from evil ways of White Knights?
Got a problem with a White Knight, pray to... for guidance to do the right thing.
And shred the fucker.

just askin
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
You're too funny OSD. There was just some fucked up shit going on for too long. I don't play. Everyone knows what happens to a firecracker when the fuse runs out.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
the ahem, firecracker did play White Knight
and was not the fuse a fast burner after lit?
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
I was referring to me as being the firecracker and he had been working on my fuse for a little while....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
will he miss a few fingers and sight ?

but but but you did tell part of your side of story
he ran
Plastic Man's Avatar
so did ol burger ever get the ...veterans discount

xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
will he miss a few fingers and sight ?

but but but you did tell part of your side of story
he ran Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

He knew I'd back up everything I said with proof
generalbob's Avatar
Not sure about saint hood. I would have to not see her again. Catholic upbringing would prevent me from having sex with St. Tina.
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
Not sure about saint hood. I would have to not see her again. Catholic upbringing would prevent me from having sex with St. Tina. Originally Posted by generalbob
Hahaha... I know. And my horns wouldn't quite match the uniform...
JennerJammer's Avatar
Whoa Nelly! What good is one less White Knight if all that replaces it is a lethal case of GPS?
Whoa Nelly! What good is one less White Knight if all that replaces it is a lethal case of GPS? Originally Posted by JennerJammer
Well said. Not here to defend himself either. Like I said, 3 sides to every story; his, hers, the truth
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Badass - Saint Nicholas

One of his first acts after his freedom was to help out this poor family in his town by becoming the Patron Saint of Huge Balls.
Apparently there was this super-nice poor old farmer dude who couldn’t afford a good dowry for his daughters and was all worried that if he couldn’t marry them off to nice boys they’d end up becoming hookers or slaves or something, so Saint Nick came to their house in the middle of the night and threw three big balls of gold in his window, each one landing in the sock of a different girl. The next morning the farmer woke up and saw the Saint Nick’s balls and he was really happy for his daughters because now they weren’t going to have to become prostitutes. But, if things had gone differently, Nick is still the patron saint of prostitutes so he'd still take care of them anyways because he's chill like that.
Nowadays people in Europe commemorate Nick’s midnight skylight gold-plated balls attack by putting oranges in their kids’ stockings on the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas.
hence, why the freebie is more costly
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Whoa Nelly! What good is one less White Knight if all that replaces it is a lethal case of GPS? Originally Posted by JennerJammer
may her gold ball from St. Nick miss her sock and roll away

or said in another way
then don't see her
Plastic Man's Avatar
Well said. Not here to defend himself either. Like I said, 3 sides to every story; his, hers, the truth Originally Posted by splitlicker
kinda sounds like yer white knightin an ...ol jimmie

...ya miss yer burger ...sweeeeeeeeeeeet
Well said. Not here to defend himself either. Like I said, 3 sides to every story; his, hers, the truth Originally Posted by splitlicker
I can confirm some of her side of the story, and there is a reason he is not here to defend himself. TL did the right thing. Sainthood is a little strong, but definitely a positive influence.