Cardinal Dolan Addresses Harris' Decision on Al Smith Dinner With Reminder of Last Candidate to Skip It

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ok fellas .. even Hillary attended. why won't Harris? Biden attended .. well he was there anyway bnahahahaa

Cardinal Dolan Addresses Harris' Decision on Al Smith Dinner With Reminder of Last Candidate to Skip It

It's been a few days of updates on the Al Smith dinner, an annual Catholic Charities event that is taking place this year on October 17 in New York City. While Vice President Kamala Harris will not attend, former and potentially future President Donald Trump announced on Monday that he will be there. Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York who hosts the event and sits in between the two nominees at such dinners, is also weighing in on Harris' move.

The Trump War Room was all too happy to share a clip from Fox News of Dolan addressing such a snub from the Democratic nominee.

"We're disappointed," Cardinal Dolan said at an event in Yonkers on Monday. "We were looking forward to, uh, giving the vice president an enthusiastic welcome, and we kind of, we were confident that she would find this, you know she speaks very much about the high ideals and how it's good to get away from division, come together in unity and all, that's what the Al Smith dinner is all about."

Dolan also shared "we haven't given up yet," adding "we're not used to this, we don't know how to handle it."

That's when the reminder of what happened to the last nominee to turn down such a dinner, also the Democratic nominee, Walter Mondale, who was running against President Ronald Reagan in 1984. "This hasn't happened in 40 years since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation, and remember he lost 49 out of 50 states," Dolan reminded, though he also made clear "I don't want to say there's a direct connection there," as attendees at his event could be heard laughing.

"We're not used to this and we're not giving up," Dolan again emphasized, as he also spoke of support from Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), noting "they're both working hard to see that they convince her to come."

When answering a question as to "so there's still a chance," Dolan affirmed that there was and shared an interesting point about what Schumer told him: "he said 'I don't think she made the decision,'" as he then also talked about her schedule and her handlers.

her handlers ... let that sink in