Obama's Johnson takes a leak...

Benghazi Connections – Privacy Lawsuit Containing Jeh Johnson As “Pentagon Leaker” Continues…

Posted on July 16, 2015 by sundance

Jill Kelly is a woman who became entangled in the General Petraeus / Paul Broadwell affair story which exploded immediately following the Benghazi attacks in 2012. The affair was used by the White House to remove the CIA Petraeus risk.

Jill Kelly was threatened by Paula Broadwell during Broadwell’s affair with Petraeus. Once the affair was exposed, the media outed Jill Kelly as the original source to the FBI who uncovered the sordid affair.

Kelly then filed a lawsuit against the FBI for releasing her identity to the public via the media. The source of that media leak was, in essence, traced to then pentagon attorney Jeh Johnson, who later became DHS Secretary.

Last September (2014) we noted that the lawsuit by Jill Kelly would carry some very interesting possibilities via judicial discovery. Today a federal judge postponed DHS Head Jeh Johnson being compelled to testify in the ongoing lawsuit.
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. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What attracted you to this article whiffy? Was it Obama's Johnson?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More corruption from the Obama Administration. Business as usual.
  • DSK
  • 07-17-2015, 02:20 AM
What attracted you to this article whiffy? Was it Obama's Johnson? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is what you were hoping to see, weren't you?
Must be what got your juices flowing JL.
Jeh's headache just got worse... http://theconservativetreehouse.com/...s/#more-103831

Judge Hanen Forces DHS To Go Door-To-Door Collecting Illegally Granted Work Authorizations…

Posted on July 17, 2015 by sundance
Judge Andrew Hanen has given Jeh Johnson and the Department of Homeland Security until the end of this month to recapture all of the illegally distributed “amnesty and work authorization” permits the DHS allowed during the time they ignored the judges’ order.

Image: Barack Obama, Jeh Johnson

“The government has conceded that it has directly violated this court’s order in its May 7, 2015 advisory, yet, as of today, two months have passed since the advisory and it has not remediated its own violative behavior,” the judge wrote. “That is unacceptable and, as far as the Government’s attorneys are concerned, completely unprofessional.”

[Hanen] set an Aug. 19 hearing, and said unless the government can fix things by July 31, each of the defendants named in the case — Mr. Johnson and his top lieutenants in the immigration agencies — would have to appear to explain themselves.

“Otherwise, the Court intends to utilize all available powers to compel compliance,” Judge Hanen wrote. (link)

DHS is now facing a challenging task of remediating the approvals and work authorizations previously granted.

After two months of unsuccessful requests for the illegal alien community to voluntarily return the paperwork, DHS is now forced to go door-to-door to recapture the authorizations they illegally distributed.

illegal protests

The Washington Times has more – Goosed into action by an angry federal judge, federal immigration authorities will go door-to-door demanding illegal immigrants return the three-year amnesty approvals the Obama administration issued to them in defiance of a court order.

Those who don’t return their three-year permits will have them terminated at the end of this month, the National Immigrant Justice Center, one of the advocacy groups briefed on authorities’ plan, said in a statement preparing immigrants for what could be a traumatic encounter.

The move comes as Homeland Security officials, fed up with slow-walking by illegal immigrants, are finally playing hardball after months of less forceful measures.

They’re scrambling to meet an end-of-month deadline set by Judge Andrew S. Hanen for recapturing thousands of three-year amnesties the department issued even after the court had entered an injunction halting the new amnesty program.

Unless all of the permits are recovered, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson could personally have to appear in court to explain the foul-up, Judge Hanen said in an order earlier this month.

[…] In a document filed late last week, the administration said it had recaptured fewer than 1,200 of the initial 2,100 wrongful amnesties. And, in a stunning admission, lawyers said they’d discovered another 500 amnesties they hadn’t known about before that also were sent after the Feb. 16 injunction. (read more)
That is what you were hoping to see, weren't you? Originally Posted by DSK
Thanks Jewish Welsher, for the input.

Or lack thereof!