The Gift (That keeps on Giving)

Step aside Jok, Dovlin and ol'Mary.....
The REAL gift that keeps on giving is.....

Susan Rice!!!!!
Long Live the Libtards!!!
Ceremony's Avatar
YouTube made her do it. Obscure movie makers everywhere should lay low for awhile.
doctorisin's Avatar
Uh, the Masters is on, no time for politics! Spring has sprung, muthafuckas!!!

Cantwe all just get along?!?!?!?! Ole Jokacz gotta be tired of these beatings...

offshoredrilling's Avatar
is that gulf or golf ah bet its goof
As the Obama administration fades into the rear view mirror... and begins to look more and more like an organized crime syndicate.... it appears that Susan Rice is Fredo....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
As the Obama administration fades into the rear view mirror... and begins to look more and more like an organized crime syndicate.... it appears that Susan Rice is Fredo.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
yes things are looking up
Oregon voters may decide to toss constitutional ban on duels

April 09, 2017 09:01 AM
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon Legislature may have an unusual request for voters in the next general election that harkens back to that fateful summer day in 1804 when a bitter rivalry between U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr and the nation's first treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, was settled with a fatal gunshot.
HoJo2010's Avatar
I winder how much money will be spent by the Liberal Oregon organizations complaining about taking away their civil rights!!!
HoJo2010's Avatar
The FBI Director should be jailed for lying to Congres or maybe just hung by his nuts!!