A peace for our time or a great deal?

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I watched "Lurch" giving us all assurance that this will open up Iranian Society and breed a new era of developing friendship between Iran, The United States, and Israel.

It!s amazing how someone can be this naive. Or just stupid. Or maybe both.

I suppose all of the Mullas in Iran are saying, "wow, that was easy"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is all a part of Obama's muslim outreach plan.
So how much is the rest of the world kicking in on this "deal"?

When will people learn that the hatred of all things that are not Islam will never stop.
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Originally Posted by SD2011

Get this bullshit off a blog? Rather go to war?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-25-2013, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by SD2011
You missed a few things. We are also going to give them free chocolate for a year, cigarettes, and beer!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The original Bush goal was to STOP Iran from getting nukes and now Obama is accepting that Iran says it is "CURBING" it's nuclear program. What about that American preacher who Iran is holding? Couldn't they just let him come home to his family. Wouldn't that be a concession to the US? Why didn't we get it or even bring it up?

This is a sellout complete and simple. Iran got what it wants after killing our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq we make a deal with them.
Get this bullshit off a blog? Rather go to war? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Go to war? Where the hell did you come up with that as a preference? Sanctions were the tool we used to leverage pressure without the need for bullets. Obama just pulled that leverage off the table. If anything, Obama and Kerry have made the potential for a future conflict with Iran more likely because they will indeed pursue their nuclear weapons program in earnest now that they know for sure that the USA is wavering and being lead by easily duped rubes.

Consider this view (from this morning):

"I am disappointed by the terms of the agreement," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement. "It was strong sanctions, not the goodness of the hearts of the Iranian leaders, that brought Iran to the table, and any reduction relieves the psychological pressure of future sanctions and gives them hope that they will be able to gain nuclear weapon capability while further sanctions are reduced."

Now I would hardly paint Chuck Schumer as a warhawk right wing teabagger would you?

It appears that sending a known traitor (Kerry) to negotiate on our nations behalf with our sworn enemies in Iran wasn't really such a bright idea.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-25-2013, 08:42 AM
There are a billion Arabs in the world - do you want to go on fighting them forever, nuke them now, or try to make peace with them? If you make peace with them and leave them alone, they will probably kill each other faster than you could ever dream of doing it yourself. We will monitor them and make sure it doesn't enable them to develop deliverable nukes. In the meantime, your gasoline supply will go up, and the price will go down.
There are a billion Arabs in the world - do you want to go on fighting them forever, nuke them now, or try to make peace with them? If you make peace with them and leave them alone, they will probably kill each other faster than you could ever dream of doing it yourself. We will monitor them and make sure it doesn't enable them to develop deliverable nukes. In the meantime, your gasoline supply will go up, and the price will go down. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Iranians are not Arabs they're Persian (there is a difference). Arabs comprise about 3% of Iran (and came afterwards).

jeez.......that's like saying Japanese are Koreans.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-25-2013, 08:53 AM
Iranians are not Arabs they're Persian (there is a difference). Arabs comprise about 3% of Iran (and came afterwards).

jeez.......that's like saying Japanese are Koreans. Originally Posted by SD2011
ironically, genius, Koreans and Japanese are essentially the same race.
..Recent research corroborates that modern Japanese have a shared ancestry with their Korean counterparts, based on two distinct ethnicities existing in the Japanese peninsula. These are known as the Jomon, a proto-mongoloid people who were the original inhabitants of Japan, and the Yayoi, a neo-mongoloid people who are thought to have come to Japan via the Korean peninsula thousands of years later. This has been common knowledge in Japan for some time, even spawning a popular book, ‘Kimi wa yayoi jin ka, jomon jin ka’ [Are you a Yayoi or a Jomon?], where readers can have fun figuring out which they might be. The article below shows how new genetic evidence indicates the shared heritage of the Yayoi Japanese with the ancient peoples on the Korean peninsula, and shows how this lineage is still evident in the modern day. When published, the research received considerable attention from the media in both Japan and Korea. Here, japanCRUSH brings you perspectives from the Japanese Internet, although you can find the Korean perspective on koreaBANG.

Oh lord...you really need to rethink your "cultural" strategies versus "race". The Japanese are a "mixed race". The Japanese culture is different. (no wonder the left is so screwed up).

All that aside.....

LOL @ you thinking Iranians are Arabs
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2013, 10:53 AM
Eventually it will be like China and Vietnam. The best way to influence a country is to open trade with them . Not sure why the righties are opposed to this novel idea....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-25-2013, 11:06 AM
Oh lord...you really need to rethink your "cultural" strategies versus "race". The Japanese are a "mixed race". The Japanese culture is different. (no wonder the left is so screwed up).

All that aside.....

LOL @ you thinking Iranians are Arabs Originally Posted by SD2011

ironically, Asian is one of the 4 races that make up the total number of races in the world ... 4

subcultures of those 4 races abound
Eventually it will be like China and Vietnam. The best way to influence a country is to open trade with them . Not sure why the righties are opposed to this novel idea.... Originally Posted by WTF
The difference is religious fanatics.
lustylad's Avatar
Iranians are not Arabs they're Persian (there is a difference). Originally Posted by SD2011
God help us if we don't know that. The real problem is Sunni v. Shia. They're still fighting the battle of Karbala thirteen centuries later.