can providers cook?

I was with a regular, and we talkign recipes, and when I figured she could cook, I was like, "no way can a provider cook" ;-)

I was like prejudiced that a hooker could cook, they would have married big bucks or something like that, as some ways to their heart is through their stomach.

I am a serious cook for a guy.

So ladies, are you always eating take out, or are u domestic when u get home, and cook like gramma?

If a woman has great sex skills, and can cook, that's like hitting a daily double, and maybe even buy the cow, LoL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
darn, the cow dos not want to be bought. rented or leased, but not bought.
If a woman has great sex skills, and can cook, that's like hitting a daily double, and maybe even buy the cow, LoL Originally Posted by lostforkate
How's the mental stability? Usually there's an inverse relationship somewhere in there. It's a rarity to find a "normal" woman who can cook and fuck.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Ahh shit

However, I did make chop sticks with hotel coffee stir straws once
For my Mr. noodle ..what about a women who really really really appreciates a good cook LOL??!

I know I know not the same.. It's not for lack of trying but I have caused food poisoning so I gave up for safety purposes

I eat out a lot, but try to find nutritious real food restaurants or I buy food that doesn't need to be cooked for home. I guess the intentional/unintentional caveman(chic) diet.

Everything tastes amazing with hot sauce imho .. I bet many providers are terrific cooks! For that, I will be forever jealous
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
I know I can cook, and pretty damn good at it! But I also love to eat!
I think the premise of this thread - that it is not common for a woman to be good at both sex and cooking - is unfounded.
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Agreed. If you truly enjoy what you do, being good at it comes naturally. . In my opinion.
pyramider's Avatar
Molly Chandler in the DFW is a wonderful cook. Beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, and can cook ... plus she disorient a fucktard like nobody's business.
jokacz's Avatar
I know one who thinks she can cook, but can't. She is also probably the worst piece of ass I've ever had, but she thinks she's great at that too. Thank God she quit hooking and went back to stripping. PT anyone?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ahh shit

However, I did make chop sticks with hotel coffee stir straws once
For my Mr. noodle ..what about a women who really really really appreciates a good cook LOL??!

I know I know not the same.. It's not for lack of trying but I have caused food poisoning so I gave up for safety purposes

I eat out a lot, but try to find nutritious real food restaurants or I buy food that doesn't need to be cooked for home. I guess the intentional/unintentional caveman(chic) diet.

Everything tastes amazing with hot sauce imho .. I bet many providers are terrific cooks! For that, I will be forever jealous Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
your forgiven
I know I can cook, and pretty damn good at it! But I also love to eat! Originally Posted by Autumn Bolan
mmm as good as Hunter, Hanna, and aj I hope. better would be awesome

I think the premise of this thread - that it is not common for a woman to be good at both sex and cooking - is unfounded. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
what ever happen too two pops and a meal??? I miss that
I think the premise of this thread - that it is not common for a woman to be good at both sex and cooking - is unfounded. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
True... it's just a special combination. If it was common, perhaps this board would not exist.
Sort of finding a rich guy who is both good looking and nice.
I confessed my prejudice at the beginning, LoL. And I am happy to be corrected.

Frankie, (mr noodle??? LoL) I will take you with the hot sauce. LoL. I need to start planning my trip to the great white north and cuddle up with your warm personality.

Concerning buying the cow, I already bought one, don't want do that again. Just using a cliche.

OSD, yes hanna is sweet, and I do remember her cooking.
Anyone knows me by now, I find mental instability to be an endearing trait, LoL.

How's the mental stability? Usually there's an inverse relationship somewhere in there. It's a rarity to find a "normal" woman who can cook and fuck. Originally Posted by mwebber
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
I LOVE to cook and I'm awesome at it (I can say that because it is absolutely true )
I went to culinary school many many moons ago (I was so serious about becoming a chef I applied to and was accepted into Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island and CIA in NYC, but I choose a smaller more country school) and although I found that cooking in a commercial kitchen was not for me, I LOVE cooking & baking at home.

I am also awesome at scratch cakes (even vegan) and cake decorating. I've made quite a few cakes for baby showers, birthdays, and for fun. I'm also a total geek & take pics of everything I create.

My cookies will make you swoon!
Friends still beg me for recipes for my Christmas candies even 15 years after they've eaten them. Every Christmas I make peanut butter balls (buck eyes), chocolate covered cherries, homemade toffee, cut-out cookies, peanut brittle, peppermint patties, rum balls and so many other tasty treats.

I think I'm going to have to start handing my treats out at appointments so that I stop eating it all!

Sorry, I got long-winded. I not only found a new pumpkin pie vodka that I've put away liberally today, I also get really excited about cooking & food.
That is awesome TRM! I would have enjoyed a school for culinari arts. My sister and I have done functions for family, and have set up gourmet spreads for 50+ people, we have been told we should a restaurant.

My initial thoughts is the escort business is demanding from the crazy schedule, and travel, that cooking would low on the priority list. Glad to hear that many enjoy cooking as well.