DO NOT eat your wheaties!

In 1906, Mr. W. K. Kellogg introduced Corn Flakes to America as a ready-to-eat out-of-the-box breakfast alternative. It was his opinion that American society was becoming too sexual, and he blamed it on diets containing large quantities of meat and spices. He theorized that a bland high fiber high carbohydrate diet would help curb or suppress sexual urges. Thus began his now famous line of cereals.

So, the next time you have a hot encounter scheduled, and your date urges you to eat your wheaties, don't. Go for the bacon & eggs (and wash it down with pineapple juice!)

if you are what you eat,
does that mean all hobbyists are p------ ?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
no truer words, my man.....can I add some jalapenos?