
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
this is a thread where both Kinghts and ladies can post ANYTHING they admire about anyone online at Eccie. i am composing my list tonight. Start without me. Seriously, type what you admire about a lady or gentleman you have met, want to meet, or simply admire online for any reason at all. Don't let this thread turn into some sad joke on poking fun of others but to admire each other....maybe you respect something someone did online? Anything positive goes...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I admire ladies that aren't interested in drama
nebtex1's Avatar
I admire ladies who are personable.

My type is a spinner, but regardless of type the best sessions are with nice personable ladies ... a good example from years ago is Lilly from independentdates (KC used to run this across from the Dunvale AMC ... years ago). She could have been an ATF, but she left town to get married (I think) ... I was only able to see her 3 or 4 times ... to my great regret. I remember the first visit with her ... she was so relaxed and friendly ... it felt like a real GF experience ... and to boot her looks rivaled my avatar IMO.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I admire ladies that aren't interested in drama Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I fully agree.

I also deeply admire gents that aren't interested in drama.
Raphael's Avatar
Well, I'm not that way, lol. I like people who stand out, who entertain, who differ, who provoke. Personality relieves the boredom of day-to-day life, same old routine, same old people. So, I can't wait till Monger gives us one of his chocking reviews: spare us no detail, Monger - and if ever someone reviews a gang-bang with Venus Nova, fill us up with everything you filled her up with, and how she asked for more! I am glad Sofia is a woman, though, that gives more to fantasize over. lol.
Diabolo's Avatar
I admire ladies that aren't interested in drama Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I fully agree.

I also deeply admire gents that aren't interested in drama. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I like people that reply without using "+1" when they agree with others. I guess I'm weird like that because I thinck it's gay.
Diabolo's Avatar
I like people that reply without using "+1" when they agree with others. I guess I'm weird like that because I thinck it's gay. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SKF, I don't like to do it normally, but I'm too fucking tired right now to type a full reply and besides, their replies pretty much covered what I wanted to say about another stupid thread from our lady soh.
Wayward's Avatar
I admire blue water in the shitter.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
SKF, I don't like to do it normally, but I'm too fucking tired right now to type a full reply and besides, their replies pretty much covered what I wanted to say about another stupid thread from our lady soh. Originally Posted by Diabolo
LMMFAO! Diabolo, I hear ya' man.
(or should I have just said, +1 ? )

It's just one of those little things that 'bugs' me, dat's all.

That and when people continually "quote" the person immediately above them in reply. I understand 'quoting' them down the thread, but not immediately following.

Also, people who use CAPITAL letters for EMPHASIS in almost EVERY other WORD! Grrrrr! That sort of shit just bugs me!

So I admire people that don't 'bug' me.
chicagoboy's Avatar
It's just one of those little things that 'bugs' me, dat's all.

That and when people continually "quote" the person immediately above them in reply. I understand 'quoting' them down the thread, but not immediately following.
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
If somebody posts something really st00pid, you can preserve it for everyone else's entertainment by quoting it before it can be edited.
If somebody posts something really st00pid, you can preserve it for everyone else's entertainment by quoting it before it can be edited. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I do not admire people who post only to cut others down and ridicule them
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I admire Venus ... she is everything I am not.
Mr Clever's Avatar
I admire threads that have pussy value.....This thread doesn't seem to have its not something I admire, at the moment. However, knowing Sophie, that could change.
carkido45's Avatar
Maybe this thread should be changed too "The people you don't admire "
Lot of haterade going around.