WH: Never Mind Biden's 'Garbage' Denial of Reports About Huge Payments to Illegal Immigrants

  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2021, 02:19 PM

Let's recap. Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Biden administration was in negotiations to offer large taxpayer-funded payouts to illegal immigrants impacted by the Trump administration's short-lived (plus wrong and counter-productive, in my view) family/child separation immigration policy. The dollar figures being discussed were in the area of up to $450,000 per affected illegal immigrant. These reports touched off outraged pushback, as even many critics of the jettisoned policy argued that it would be insane to offer rich settlements for hardship endured by people who knowingly put their children at risk and entered the country unlawfully. Hasn't the Biden administration done enough to encourage and incentivize illegal immigration? Points like this quickly entered the public debate:

Asked about these alleged settlement negotiations by Fox's Peter Doocy, President Biden offered a petulant denial -- sneering at Doocy, calling the reports "garbage," and insisting that such payments would not happen:

An aggressive denial, perhaps borne of an instinctual understanding that such an arrangement would be deeply alienating to many Americans who already see the Biden administration as a failing, left-wing science experiment. But evidently, the denial did not reflect the actual policy pursuits of the Biden administration. The left-wing ACLU (increasingly just a Democratic front group that has walked away from its civil liberties mission when it conflicts with wokeism) called out Biden's response:
President Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,” the ACLU charged Wednesday, after he labeled as “garbage” a news report that his administration is considering $450,000-per-person payouts to families separated after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border. In a statement, ACLU executive director Anthony Romero warned Biden that he risked “abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families. “We respectfully remind President Biden that he called these actions ‘criminal’ in a debate with then-President Trump, and campaigned on remedying and rectifying the lawlessness of the Trump administration,” Romero said. “We call on President Biden to right the wrongs of this national tragedy.”
Other reports suggest that after Biden publicly rejected the huge payments under discussion, administration lawyers scrambled to change their offers:
Lawyers negotiating payments for migrant families who were separated by the Trump administration when they crossed the U.S. border say President Joe Biden’s remarks at a press conference on Wednesday may have hurt prospects for their clients receiving large payouts...Shortly after Biden’s comments, lawyers from the Justice Department reached out to lawyers representing the families, including those from the American Civil Liberties Union...In a statement on Thursday, ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said, “The president’s comments and congressional pushback do appear to have affected settlement negotiations, which were admittedly in flux.”
In an about-face, a spokesman for Biden said yesterday that on second thought, the president is actually fully comfortable with the sort of settlement payments he'd just dismissed in his cranky answer to Doocy's question:

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I suspect they way they'll try to wriggle out of this is by claiming Biden denied the high dollar amounts, not the payments themselves. But the report cited above suggests that the "garbage" reports were correct, then Biden's reaction (was he ignorant of what was happening on this front, from his own team?) impacted the ongoing conversations. The question now becomes: What is the new range under discussion?

Comment - typical democraticommunist groupthink and doublespeak
They have twisted the senile puppet's arm - and it is now - OH - we meant $half a million per peson - and an extra $million per family for all illegals, and all residents of mexico, Central adn south America

We will tax the rich to pay for it.

Except Bernie, bluemental, harris, Feistein, and other rich democraticommunist legislators.
They are exempt for all laws teh Congress passes.

Buck fiden
From my cold ead hands!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its on its off now back on ,,Hmm AND its 450 up to 1 million
This is the most ridiculous shit I have every seen
Its on its off now back on ,,Hmm AND its 450 up to 1 million
This is the most ridiculous shit I have every seen Originally Posted by rexdutchman
... No worrys, mate.

President TRUMP surely got ALL KINDS of
GREAT ideas like that when He's voted back-on.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Question is, why settle at all? Take it to court and if we lose there, take it to the SC but under no circumstances can any money be paid, not a dime.

While separating children from their parents who illegally entered the country, making them subject to arrest, may have been in the words of Biden's press corp. "inhumane and amoral", it was legal under the Flores Agreement.

The 1997 Flores v. Renocourt agreement had set nationwide policy for the detention and treatment of minors in immigration custody.
It requires the government to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to their parents, other adult relatives or licensed programs, Doris Meissner, director of the US immigration policy program at the Migration Policy Institute, told CNN last year.
In other words, if your parents who illegally entered the country, are arrested/ detained, their children may not go into detention with them. In other words, they must be separated.

We separate American children from their parents, everyday in this country on any crime that incarcerates them. Will we now have to pay every American that was separated form their children? Of course not, only illegals get such treatment.

As much as I would hate to see us pay anything to these families, it will be one more arrow in the Republican quiver to shoot at Democrats in 2022 should they go through with a payout without a court order to do so and even then, Democrats will get the blame.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2021, 06:02 PM
HF - Thank you , good sir
Following teh law teh Democrats were party to enacting - matters not to the foolish , propaganda dependent marxist, racist democraticommunist party nomenkatura and their LSM propaganda arm.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Question is, why settle at all? Take it to court and if we lose there, take it to the SC but under no circumstances can any money be paid, not a dime.

While separating children from their parents who illegally entered the country, making them subject to arrest, may have been in the words of Biden's press corp. "inhumane and amoral", it was legal under the Flores Agreement.

In other words, if your parents who illegally entered the country, are arrested/ detained, their children may not go into detention with them. In other words, they must be separated.

We separate American children from their parents, everyday in this country on any crime that incarcerates them. Will we now have to pay every American that was separated form their children? Of course not, only illegals get such treatment.

As much as I would hate to see us pay anything to these families, it will be one more arrow in the Republican quiver to shoot at Democrats in 2022 should they go through with a payout without a court order to do so and even then, Democrats will get the blame. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

exactly right. in fact .. this policy has existed for many years across .. several Admin's .. including Obama's which throws a shit sammich right in Beavis Butthead Biden's face.

we know he "lied" .. probably can't remember .. that Obama built the very cages he claimed didn't exist until Evil Lord Trump when it was Obama's own facilities Trump was using.


the border crisis is by design. they are letting this happen. for many reasons. none of them good for real Americans. and that applies .. pretty much as far as posting histories may reveal .. that NO ONE of the left or right here .. Trump hater or not .. want all these HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS flooding in, rampant with the "death plague" .. being put up at military bases .. no worries .. none of these "fine people" are actual terrorists taking advantage .. right ??? at TAX PAYER EXPENSE and given a path to citizenship.

anyone who supports this is fucking their kid's future over. i for one intend to leave the vast monetary fortune of the TWK Foundation to the TWK clan so that we may rule .. er ... live as the wealthy elites we already are.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Anybody see the latest video of the caravan now heading our way? They violently attacked the Mexican police trying to stop them.

Just what we need in America, more rock throwing, arsonists. SMH
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Anybody see the latest video of the caravan now heading our way? They violently attacked the Mexican police trying to stop them.

Just what we need in America, more rock throwing, arsonists. SMH Originally Posted by HedonistForever

most liberals haven't. they watch the Madcow and CNN. that's all they know...



asking the far left .. if you turn a blind eye to this kind of blatant disregard to the laws of your nation are you a passive traitor?

inquiring minds want to know!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
most liberals haven't. they watch the Madcow and CNN. that's all they know...



asking the far left .. if you turn a blind eye to this kind of blatant disregard to the laws of your nation are you a passive traitor?

inquiring minds want to know!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
mexico, looks like they finally realized they had to protect their border from illegals despite the fact they let them thru unfettered for years as saying its of no consequence to them. they treated this as one big joke on the americans.

piper pays the fiddle!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Destroy amerkia
Yssup Rider's Avatar
most liberals haven't. they watch the Madcow and CNN. that's all they know...



asking the far left .. if you turn a blind eye to this kind of blatant disregard to the laws of your nation are you a passive traitor?

inquiring minds want to know!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
rexdutchman's Avatar
TDS hypocrisy predictably irrational