The lady gets to my house and first thing I do is to undress her...

The lady gets to my house and first thing I do is several of the following: (all of these with tact and timing, I do not want it to look like I am conducting a drill of some sorts)

I lock the door.

In no particular order

I ask her to turn her phone off
I do not mention money, there is no money in sight, no envelopes,
I try to kiss her and touch her breast, behind, pussy.
I try to undress her.

What will happen if she is part of a police trap??
They probably wont be coming to your house if its the cops. Sorry, they just get more out of setting up a sting and letting the people come to them.

If you ever did any of that to me when I walked through the door, I would leave. Why would you ask her to turn her phone off? Thats her only link at that point to the outside world since you also now have locked her in. Why would there be no money in sight? No money, no service. this thread is stupid
sky_wire's Avatar
Here's why I miss SJ. He'd give a detailed legal answer. (Even if the thread is stupid.)
mad469s's Avatar
The lady gets to my house and first thing I do is several of the following: (all of these with tact and timing, I do not want it to look like I am conducting a drill of some sorts)

I lock the door.

In no particular order

I ask her to turn her phone off
I do not mention money, there is no money in sight, no envelopes,
I try to kiss her and touch her breast, behind, pussy.
I try to undress her.

What will happen if she is part of a police trap?? Originally Posted by PflugerTown
Not a damn thing, you did nothing illegal, right?
He is VERY missed!
Well i always tell the provider i am in love as soon as i see her..... Leave the envelope in the bathroom so she gets it when she freshens up. Every provider i have seen i gave her a hug, but i always approached her slowly and asked her if i could hug her.....
Been active in the hobby 20 years and not once have i ever discussed any service.. I always invite them to get comfortable and usually get undressed at the same time, i always keep the conversation about how beautiful they are or i compliment their clothes etc. I dont know if its a safe practice or not since its never been tested, but a recording in the court room with me saying how gorgeous the lady is and how i look forward to spending time with her etc i would guess make me a bad witness i hope !
Well i always tell the provider i am in love as soon as i see her..... Leave the envelope in the bathroom so she gets it when she freshens up. Every provider i have seen i gave her a hug, but i always approached her slowly and asked her if i could hug her.....
Been active in the hobby 20 years and not once have i ever discussed any service.. I always invite them to get comfortable and usually get undressed at the same time, i always keep the conversation about how beautiful they are or i compliment their clothes etc. I dont know if its a safe practice or not since its never been tested, but a recording in the court room with me saying how gorgeous the lady is and how i look forward to spending time with her etc i would guess make me a bad witness i hope ! Originally Posted by steamyromance
This is ideal. I know it's not my business, but a tour of the house makes me feel much more at ease also. Note the exits, any red flags, and just check them out in general. You can tell alot about someone by thier home.
First, an outcall to your house with a lady that you have not screened is NUTS. Screening may include prior visits and insuring she has a good reputation. In that scenario, the only risk is that she got busted and cops have her working for them in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Cops typically do not want to do an outcall to your place. Why? They lose control of the situation. In a hotel, maybe not too bad, but in a home, if they bust the doors down, they now must do a room to room search for their undercover cop. Way too dangerous for them. You would have to be a high value target, like a senator or a corporate executive for some top 100 corporation to make this worth their while to risk. Also, in a lot of cases, an outcall may require cooperation between different jurisdictions - in DFW area, setting up a sting outcall that doesn't involve crossing city-lines if not county lines can be an issue. All of this adds to the difficulty and risks involved.

The KISS principle works best in law enforcement too. They typically are looking for the low hanging fruit like street walkers, studios, sexually oriented business, strip clubs, etc. These are high profile in that the community and the voters see these examples of illicit activities and when the cops are cleaning this up, they are more willing to vote for that bond initiative to improve law enforcement efforts. Also, these types of activities can pull in multiple johns & ladies. Doing an outcall sting requires at least as many if not more officers & resources as these other types of busts, but the result is one guy gets busted. Take a look at some of the websites where police departments publish their prostitution arrest. Frequently you will see multiple arrest at the same general area on the same date. Much bigger bang for the buck, frequently targetting the lower end of the sex trade and frequently the bust, especially of ladies, will include charges for drugs also. Two birds with one stone approach to ridding their streets of crime.

Finally, these tours of the house. I know a lot of reviews mention that on outcalls. LittleMiss makes an excellent point with regard to her safety. But if a lady asked for a tour of the house, I would assume she was casing the joint so her pimp could drop by uninvited and rob me blind. (Wouldn't take long, my idea of personal belongings doesn't involve much in the line of items worth fencing. Most of my electronics is just one level past the vacuum tube era. )

I am sure SJ can give us a more legally reasoned response to this question, all I can offer is an engineer's calculated response.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've never asked for a tour of the house before but I can see it's validity.

When I go to someone's house, I'm much more nervous than doing an outcall to a four star hotel. A hotel will at least have your name on the room, most of the time, if I'm bludgeoned to death.

In someone's house, I'm the most vulnerable. And I always feel that way.

If I were to walk into a situation where someone ordered me to turn off my phone, get undressed and then there wasn't any money in site ... I would SLOWLY back away from the person and leave.

I would be completely freaked out.

There aren't outcall stings that I know of. If you've read reviews of the lady that you've seen and she has had some sort of website presence, the chances of you being involved in a sting is nil. There isn't anything to worry about with that.

What I think that you should consider is the other person involved. We're human, you know. (Although I'm aware that many consider us sub-human, at best.)

IF greeted in such a clinical fashion and asking me to do steps one, two and three would just not be a good way to get a time together started(and yes, I read the part about not being a drill Sargent. Still bothersome!) . Especially with the getting undressed and touching me all over without you being undressed as well.

Very creepy to read. Sorry. Obviously, these steps work for you and so I'm glad for that.

As far as the "casing the house to be robbed" point that tigercat made, well I guess that could happen. I don't know anything about the darker side of this business, unless it's to tie someone's balls up with a thicker rope and play with him, tease him, until he wiggles and moans.


There have been guys who did an outcall and then reported a burglary shortly thereafter. Was it related? Don't know, but they thought so.

My response was from a guy's perspective, yours and LittleMiss were from a lady's viewpoint. All I think are very valid.

I just think outcalls when there is not a previous relationship between two parties is asking for trouble. For either side. I would suggest that a lady who sees guys in her own home raises similar issues.

As a married guy, bringing a provider into my home is playing with fire. Risks include wife showing up, evidence of the encounter left behind (wives are good at finding the stray hair, lipstick stain, dirty sheets, that missed condom wrapper under the bed, etc.), and nosy neighbors could all spell disaster. For you single guys, I would still think the risks are pretty high, but that is for you to weigh.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although there are certainly older ladies who have managers, or boyfriends, who are *cough* her support system and God knows what else, I sincerely feel that if a man wishes to see someone who has stellar reviews and has been around awhile, that his risk for such things as burglary and rip-offs are minimal.

But seriously, what do I know about that? I'll admit it. It's not in my gene pool to be a thief and so I just don't have a mindset in that direction.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
if you lock the door and she wanted to leave and you stop her that could be considered a unlawful detainment or kidnapping,
I didnt mean that I ask for a tour, I was just saying that the ones that do kindof walk me around and show me their place are the ones I relax with much easier. Of all the outcalls I have been to at someones home, I think all but maybe 2 or 3 did this on their own.

Dreamvacation makes a good point, I didnt even consider that
The lady gets to my house and first thing I do is several of the following: (all of these with tact and timing, I do not want it to look like I am conducting a drill of some sorts)

I lock the door.

In no particular order

I ask her to turn her phone off
I do not mention money, there is no money in sight, no envelopes,
I try to kiss her and touch her breast, behind, pussy.
I try to undress her.

What will happen if she is part of a police trap?? Originally Posted by PflugerTown
Doing a little touchy feely is OK, well with me anyways. Asking her to shut off the phone is a little weird, but asking her to put it on "silent" would be a more appropriote thing to ask for. I do require my donation to remain in sight, OR be left in the bathroom. If it is no where in sight, I assume it has been left in the bathroom. After about 10 minutes of casual touching and conversation, (but nothing more) I will excuse myself to the bathroom (to get the donation). If the donation isn't there, and I have to ask for it, then we will have a problem, because no provider should have to ask for the donation. If you don't feel comfortable having the donation out in the open, leave it in the bathroom!
I wish more men.....and I guess women too, would be more aware to put their phone away. When I first meet a gentleman, if he is txting or on the phone in any way. My knees start first instinct is to run like hell.