Let me tell you the reality

Now i just posted how blessed I am and than I read something that really pissed me off and to the person you know who you are.
1) I have not wasted my intellectual talents in pursuit of easy money and the occasional cheap thrill. FACT I choose to do this because I enjoy it
2) as a traditionalist and not happy in the hobby ANSWER: DO NOT LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT
I very rarely show this side or let things get to me but do not think you know why most men do this hobby and while your ideas maybe correct for some I can tell you it is not for all. You know nothing about me and I would guess have never taken the time to get know any of the ladies here but I will tell you while yes I agree there are females who only do this for the money a majority of us are educated and have real lives outside of this and enjoy what we do. So I think you need to get a little more life experience and than come back and talk to me....
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think I received the same thing you did .
johnguy's Avatar
IV and SNL. While I do not know exactly what you received, I believe I can read between the lines. Do not let one sour grape spoil the bunch. I hope you continue to have a good day and just let this one roll off.

I will say this, that in any market there are obviously buyers and sellers. If the seller side thrives, it surely has something to do with a thriving buyer side. To trash the seller sider does not seem to make much sense if you are an active buyer in the same market. And any individual seller prospers when they have something to offer to a segment of the market. Thus, personal attacks by any one buyer towards any one seller don't seem to make much sense (whether they are correct or incorrect)...why waste the time and hurt feelings for nothing. Seems that the buyer should move on to where they find what it is they are looking for and leave others alone. And if the buyer feels their comments apply to all segments of the seller side, they might want to think about looking in the mirror...they are a participant in this market and get the services they desire....do not bite the hand that feeds you, so to speak.

Just my two cents worth...not trying to stir things up...just point of view.

IV and SNL, I have ready many of your posts. I have no doubt that you are smart and have lives outside of the hobby. Have a good day please, and forget about this stuff. Hope you can.
thank you and I am over it...now that I had my say...all is good...
IV and SNL. While I do not know exactly what you received, I believe I can read between the lines. Do not let one sour grape spoil the bunch. I hope you continue to have a good day and just let this one roll off.

I will say this, that in any market there are obviously buyers and sellers. If the seller side thrives, it surely has something to do with a thriving buyer side. To trash the seller sider does not seem to make much sense if you are an active buyer in the same market. And any individual seller prospers when they have something to offer to a segment of the market. Thus, personal attacks by any one buyer towards any one seller don't seem to make much sense (whether they are correct or incorrect)...why waste the time and hurt feelings for nothing. Seems that the buyer should move on to where they find what it is they are looking for and leave others alone. And if the buyer feels their comments apply to all segments of the seller side, they might want to think about looking in the mirror...they are a participant in this market and get the services they desire....do not bite the hand that feeds you, so to speak.

Just my two cents worth...not trying to stir things up...just point of view.

IV and SNL, I have ready many of your posts. I have no doubt that you are smart and have lives outside of the hobby. Have a good day please, and forget about this stuff. Hope you can. Originally Posted by johnguy
Now i just posted how blessed I am and than I read something that really pissed me off and to the person you know who you are.
1) I have not wasted my intellectual talents in pursuit of easy money and the occasional cheap thrill. FACT I choose to do this because I enjoy it
2) as a traditionalist and not happy in the hobby ANSWER: DO NOT LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT
I very rarely show this side or let things get to me but do not think you know why most men do this hobby and while your ideas maybe correct for some I can tell you it is not for all. You know nothing about me and I would guess have never taken the time to get know any of the ladies here but I will tell you while yes I agree there are females who only do this for the money a majority of us are educated and have real lives outside of this and enjoy what we do. So I think you need to get a little more life experience and than come back and talk to me.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Thinking I got same thing. Sent it to mods. Dunno why its hard for some to believe that there REALLY are providers out there that are educated with careers outside this world that just enjoy this. I suggest sending to mod and then blocking him as I did. Cant read anything this person posts now and no more pm's either. Problem solved. He got the REAL DNS... as in I cant even see his handle anymore!
topsgt38801's Avatar
There are always some crude people out there that have no feelings and think you ladies are just objects. That is very regretable, because they do not know what they are missing in being able to carry on a conversation with you and enjoying your company and finding out you really have a heart and a life outside the hobby. They cannot understand the friendship we build with many of you ladies and all I can say is they are the losers in their attitudes and actions. Don't waste time dwelling on this type of person, they are not worth the effort!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I perceived it as someone struggling with some issues as to what he was doing or had done, apparently it got the best of him and possibly to seek redemption for his wicked ways he could save a few of us
well I have had several pm's from this ...and you are alot sweeter than me. He is a little boy trying to play with the big boys and has realized he has failed and fallen short in many areas so in an sorry attempt to make himself feel better he has tried to belittle us and what and why we do what we do...here is my message to him go back to preschool and when you are a out of diapers and a big boy come back to the playground...do not pm me again...
I perceived it as someone struggling with some issues as to what he was doing or had done, apparently it got the best of him and possibly to seek redemption for his wicked ways he could save a few of us Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
i just forwarded the pm's to the mod and then put him on ignore. So now i cant see any posts or any pm's he sends.
i have forwarded as well and if he pms again i will forward it....
i just forwarded the pm's to the mod and then put him on ignore. So now i cant see any posts or any pm's he sends. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Cpalmson's Avatar
IV, you are as classy as it gets. Can't believe anyone would belittle you or any of the other fine ladies here.
thank you this is what happens when little boys try to be men they fail and blame us for their shortcomings. Thinking we will just sit back and take it...
IV, you are as classy as it gets. Can't believe anyone would belittle you or any of the other fine ladies here. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Pink Floyd's Avatar
There are negative people in all aspects of life. Just take a look at all the people walking around that just look dead. Lacy did the correct thing by sending it to the Mods. I am sorry you ladies had to encounter an asshole like this, but just think of the rest of us normal fun loving guys!
Obi_Wan's Avatar
Unfortunate that someone would do that.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
ladies, idiots and assholes abound, never let them get you down or cause one iota of concern.