The Windy City??!!!!

Now I'm not a Newby to Amarillo by far.
Lubbock has seen it's windy days where it takes your car door. BUT I must say Tuesday was awful I tried to google it I believe the wind was up to 70 mph..I often wonder how those little hybrid cars make it on the road driving during that because my big truck was swaying.
When I google I came across this if that was worse than Tuesday im glad i wasnt here for that

IS IT THE TIME OF YEAR I'M HERE???Because I've been here several times and do not remember the winds this crazy. Maybe since I just come for 3 days at a time I have always missed it before.

Im on a upper level floor and the windows rattled the whistling winds where something out of a horror flick. I COULD of turned of my blues music and massage my wind sounds...
The people here acted as if it was a normal effect here but in all my many times of being here it was my first time ever experiencing it.
No Hats No skirts Hang on to everything..Chicago I believe you have stolen Amarillo name...LOL
oldpun's Avatar
Yeah, here in Amarillo we get all the joy of hurricane force winds without all the yucky rain. We are coming into the windy season just now, it will last until the end of January next year.
Oh Don Piano's Avatar
It's normal for this region. Winds are the result of differences in temperature. It was 80 something last week, now it's 50 something. That's why winds are strongest around spring and autumn: changes in temperature.