We Didn't Lose!!!!

smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Team USA!!! Taking advantage of England's unexplainable, overly confident mistakes since 1776.

Anybody else here watching FIFA?
tige1979's Avatar
Go Argentina!!! Hopefully Maradona won't screw it up
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 06-12-2010, 05:29 PM
Did anyone watch the Daily Show about USA versus England?
It had me rolling!
Team USA!!! Taking advantage of England's unexplainable, overly confident mistakes since 1776.

Anybody else here watching FIFA? Originally Posted by smokeswithwolves
I'm sure every Brit got their panties in a wad when their goalie let the ball roll in after mostly blocking it and making the score 1-1. The one thing I'm trying to figure out is what is that damn buzzing sound in the background the ENTIRE game that's so annoying? It sounds like a big ass beehive!!
TexRich's Avatar
we didnt win either....
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Did anyone watch the Daily Show about USA versus England?
It had me rolling!
Originally Posted by PeAcH
Oh yea, can't wait til his piece on Monday from S.Africa.

we didnt win either.... Originally Posted by TexRich
We have a good team this year but England first game? I fully expected to have our asses handed to us. So a tie is a victory in this case.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I almost wish we did lose, because I've been listening to people complain all freakin' day long. Apparently, everyone hates the American team so everyone was rooting for England.
that damn buzzing sound in the background the ENTIRE game that's so annoying? It sounds like a big ass beehive!! Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
Candyman --- I'm with you. Are those horns? I've been watching the games as they've been on just because it's such an event worldwide and I know little about it. Reminds me of the beginning of "Welcome to the Jungle"?

Schmafty's Avatar
Candyman --- I'm with you. Are those horns? I've been watching the games as they've been on just because it's such an event worldwide and I know little about it. Reminds me of the beginning of "Welcome to the Jungle"? Originally Posted by Sunsetman
Yes, those are big plastic horns that you can buy at the stadium, I think. I'm not sure if they're supposed to be motivating or distracting...

Frenchy29-2000's Avatar
Next week. France Mexico!!! That is going to be a good game!!
Go USA. They are the underdogs because they are so new to the sport. But they kept up against England who has a great team. Way to go us.
Frenchy29-2000's Avatar
Today. Germany Australia. Fido is playing it on the big screen. Who is coming?
Yes, those are big plastic horns that you can buy at the stadium, I think. I'm not sure if they're supposed to be motivating or distracting...

Originally Posted by Shmafty
You would think that all them sum bitches would pass out blowing that damn thing for an hour and a half!! It's ANNOYING as Hell
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-13-2010, 01:31 PM
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
...The one thing I'm trying to figure out is what is that damn buzzing sound in the background the ENTIRE game that's so annoying? It sounds like a big ass beehive!! Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
From FOX Sports....
