Input from guys and gals please?

ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
Ok, so I was having a discussion with a guy friend of mine, not a client, but he was asking me about the line of work and the relationships I have developed with several of my clients of which I have been seeing on a pretty regular basis for 4 and 5 years now.

Maybe I am wrong here but I feel like at this point I would consider these people to be friends. I have a select few that even somewhat integrate into my personal life, not to date, but you fine gentlemen can be very resourceful and sometimes us damsels are in distress and I most definitely appreciate the lengths some of you go to to show us that you care.

Now, my guy friend seems to think that regardless of all that, at the end of the day in the clients eyes, I am still, for lack of a better term, a ho. (I'm ok with this lol it is meant in no derogatory manner here ladies) He thinks that if the guys didn't think this way, that we would be more than just their side piece or whatever.

Each relationship is different and always circumstantial, of course. But I think that I have developed substantial friendships in my time in this industry. I have meaningful conversions and of course there's a mutual benefit to it, but there is ALWAYS a mutual benefit to any two people being around each other, with or without money involved.

What do you guys think? Guys if you have been seeing a provider for a length of time, say once a week for 3-4 years, so you still consider her to be just a working woman? It would take a very different type of person to not develop a friendship of sorts after this long.

My friend says if thats the case then we would be dating or he would have married you by now. He might be right but I wanted to smack him for saying this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 honesty is always appreciated but does not negate the fact that it might strike up my fiery temper and have me fighting an urge to run you over, better hope I'm not driving!!! Lol that's a joke guys but what are your thoughts??
Both sides know one day it will end so see it for what it is. Would you see him for free? Of course not. Would he still want to see you if his needs were not be taken care of? Hell no. This is not friends this is business.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Both sides know one day it will end so see it for what it is. Would you see him for free? Of course not. Would he still want to see you if his needs were not be taken care of? Hell no. This is not friends this is business. Originally Posted by bigstickdave6969

And there it is; The Unsugarcoated Version

The usual needy clique will be along soon to appease the lonely ones....
Your a woman! A Strong Woman, who is earning her way.

I would date a provider, but I am one that will never be monogous and will always seek out other women.

I dated a women for a while, we were talking about fantasy and she was reluctant to tell me hers. She wanted a train run on her and I made it happen. Thru contacts in the hobby I set up seven men to have sex with her. She was amazing, and very appreciative.

My attitude is, as long as two consenting adults are acting on their own free will...who cares. We are not 18 years old and virgins. We are experienced humas being who have sexual fantasies and the desire to have sex.

Have fun, sleep with who you want to with no judgement from me.

Be strong!
I think you are sharing something very intimate, and while it can start with pay for play - there's nothing to say that friendship can't also develop.

I think it's actually better if friendship develops, because it makes the intimacy even stronger. I think I've been lucky to develop that with the few "regulars" I've had over the years. At the same time, I think we both know that it's a fantasy world, and fantasy and RL don't mix well.

Good question. Complicated answer.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
It's a good question but the way you put it on here makes it look like you have no respect or discretion for the hobby.

So let me get this straight you get paid for sessions you have conversations and more with gentlemen and then you go and you tell your friend a man that is outside the hobby the details on a regular basis.....

Am i missing something ??!!

Over the last 12 years I've had several clients fall in love with me if you're an awesome provider and an awesome person with a great personality it's kind of inevitable and can make for some great sex but at the same time that's where communication is key cuz you want to make sure no one gets their hopes up too far in any direction.

Like I said this was a great question but the presentation made me feel like I can't even trust you to reference check you because this guy knows all the details about providing and hobbying but yet he's not a participant.

Discretion is important these gentlemen need to be able to come and see you in a private discrete session and not have to worry about you going and telling a friend or a manager or a boyfriend or whoever the hell it is that you would tell all the details to
boardman's Avatar
It's a good question but the way you put it on here makes it look like you have no respect or discretion for the hobby.

So let me get this straight you get paid for sessions you have conversations and more with gentlemen and then you go and you tell your friend a man that is outside the hobby the details on a regular basis.....

Am i missing something ??!!

Over the last 12 years I've had several clients fall in love with me if you're an awesome provider and an awesome person with a great personality it's kind of inevitable and can make for some great sex but at the same time that's where communication is key cuz you want to make sure no one gets their hopes up too far in any direction.

Like I said this was a great question but the presentation made me feel like I can't even trust you to reference check you because this guy knows all the details about providing and hobbying but yet he's not a participant.

Discretion is important these gentlemen need to be able to come and see you in a private discrete session and not have to worry about you going and telling a friend or a manager or a boyfriend or whoever the hell it is that you would tell all the details to Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
Am I missing something?
With all due respect, she didn't say she ever mentioned any of the guy's names or compromised their identity in any way.

What she is saying in the OP is no worse than you saying, right here, that you've had clients fall in love with you. You didn't tell us who the guys were. Your rebuke just seemed a little harsh. That's all.