Fakes, Flakes and Time Wasters

CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
Before I start this I want to express one thing 80% of the guys that have called me from eccie have been awesome and I do appreciate you boys/gentlemen very much. So you don't even have to read and take any of this negative energy with you. But I get so tired of the time wasters and fakes. I know alot of it is done out of lonliness and lack of funds.... I would actually talk to you rather than you take my precious time getting dressed and maybe even losing a real client.... for what? GAmes? or pure meaness? This also goes to the guys that book an appt and show up an hour later and think we are still going to see you. We dont sit in a room all day and wait looking pretty Im personally a busy woman with life in general.

Let me tell you what has gotten me in a pissy mood for letting me waste a week a guy from here has been playing the sugar daddy card.... to get me to quit, to start letting my regs know that I would not be there for them anymore. Planning lunches to just stand me up, and yes I allowed it to play out... If you allow someone to do this to you over and over then you probably enjoy it in some fetish type way. But after it starts the only way to help the next person from it is put it all out there.... that may stop everything in the tracks. never be afraid to stand up for what is right. Just like if a girl robs ya..... build a website and out them. If you dont stop em you will at least slow them down. If you do nothing and something happens to another hobbist your just as guilty. And Ladies when contacting me for a reference check, I only give references to those that have reviewed me. Fair is Fair. But I am glad to hear from other providers at anytime
Y0yoY0's Avatar

Carla....sorry to hear about the trouble you're having. I talk a lot of shit on the board and am a huge flirt, but if I make an appointment, I will be there.

And, I will probably never be rich enough to see ALL the girls I want to, or as often as I'd like....but I'm working on it! No point in wasting someone's time, though....or trying to be selfish and keep someone to yourself (if I understood your post correctly).

The old "this is NOT a dating site" saying is certainly true. We just need to play nice and be respectful of eachother's time.
FireKitten's Avatar
So it sounds like some of that should be posted in the ladies area.

Sorry you are having such a tough time.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-18-2016, 03:52 PM
The sugar daddy fantasy/scam has been played on other providers here before, I remember a few have quit and returned soon after, don't forget that most men (not myself lol) will say anything to get laid.
daty/o's Avatar
Ah yes, flakes. Don't they just piss you off?

Sorry you got played Carla. You have got to keep your head in this play time (for men) game! You know what they say about if it's too good to be true....

I don't venture out much, butt I have visited some close ladies...some are actually great with TCB...others are like ...I can see you at 4...and I say ok great...and guess what? No reply...so I went and got a haircut and saw a reg :-)
I have no issue w/ Carla's post. If I book I show.
Geez that sucks Cutie Carla :/

I'm still sorta new with Escorting, but I was way too trusting, those first two months especially.
Not to mention I crush easily, and I don't think I've provided to many who I didn't find attractive anyway, and if I am "physically intimate" with a person ... I get more likely to get attached.
A few asked me to move in, to be their "girlfriend" or ask to date - just like regular hanging out.
I'm pretty sure the majority were hoping to take advantage, but due to observations so far I have learned to squash conversations about dating romantically with men I escort.
I don't mind a Sugar Daddy - we can discuss his terms as long as they don't include unprotected sex or me being exclusive.

You may not make as much, but I like safety and security.
I would rather have less clients or Sugar Daddies than keep stressing out, because I tend to have a little anxiety when I meet new people.
I'm wondering will things go according to plan or will I end up meeting I wish I hadn't.