what did cavemen think about ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Today we are told we have to be entertained every minute of everyday.

Cavemen seemed to manage. But what did they think about ? And how often
did they have sex ? Multiple partners ?
You have to ask Micky
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-28-2016, 03:48 PM
I'm sure he found away to entertain himself. Rape cave hoes. Fight. Find shit to eat. Give cave hoe some good get willing cave pussy. Find a frog to jack off with. He probably thoght it was great. If man makes it another 200 years they will look back at our cell phones and pity us.

We just have better ways of entertaing ourselves, since we don't have to hunt and grow shit to eat.
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't know. That's about all I think about
Slitlikr's Avatar
Or avoiding it: sabre tooth tigers.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
tbone, you beat me to it. She can sure tell you .

Quest for Fire was an awesome motion picture. Probably a fairly good representation of early man.

More than likely better than Clan of the Bear Cave or 10.000 BC.
chicagoboy's Avatar
You have to ask Mikki Originally Posted by tbone2u
They thought about three things:

food, sex, and naps

but not always in that order
VitaMan's Avatar
Seriously, they must have been able to think about other things.

Didn't they ever find the caves uncomfortable, and want to make some furniture ? Most of the time they were just sitting around with nothing to do.

Did they get bored like we do ?
FIFY. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
You are correct my friend. Thank you. She was 2dogs ATF
bored was all they knew

then, after they invented the wheel.....t was downhill from there
bcglx's Avatar
  • bcglx
  • 10-31-2016, 09:30 AM