A vagina could become even more valuable. :)

They wanna tell women what they can do with their body and tell trans people where they can take a shit. I guess it's men's turn to feel the Iron fist of "small government".
HAHAHAHA ... this is the work of a witty state legislator ...

"The bill calls “masturbatory emissions” outside of a woman’s vagina “an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life.”"

"appears to satirize current and proposed laws and regulations that have been criticized for restricting women’s access to abortions and health care choices."
Hahahaha Itll never pass but that cracks me up. I hope yall get that little shiver down your spine that i get when I see a rediculous bill that threatens to put women in jail for choices she has over her own body.

P.s. if that atrocious thing ever got close to passing I would cry for you men
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 03-13-2017, 05:24 PM
Like I said in the NAVY.... "It's MINE and I'll wash it as fast as I WANT to!"
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Similarly, Ted Cruse tried to outlaw dildos,saying"self-pleasure is not an unalienable right".
Except HE wasn't joking.
Let's see how supportive he is of this bill.