What’s the point

Why did I make a showcase if you guys aren’t reading the information posted?
My location and rates are right there AND on the ads I post.
Am I missing something?
Welcome to ECCIE land.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Many just look at the purty pictures.

Be appreciative of the gents who do go to the extra effort of reading and then, GASP, following directions.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It’s because you included pics too lol
Jesus 🤦🏽♀️
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ya can’t win. Put just the info and they want pics. Put just pics and they want the info. Put pics and info they only look at the pics and drive you crazy with not following the info lol.
They want to talk.
Ya can’t win. Put just the info and they want pics. Put just pics and they want the info. Put pics and info they only look at the pics and drive you crazy with not following the info lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

100% accurate.
stiffwood7's Avatar
I was done...when i see ur Ass pic.
Read requires me to know something
Some of us cant follow simple instructions on eccie land
Ya can’t win. Put just the info and they want pics. Put just pics and they want the info. Put pics and info they only look at the pics and drive you crazy with not following the info lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yup! Can’t win for loosing! I can’t tell you how many messages I’ve replied to saying please refer back to my showcase after I’ve clearly stated do not text, call or email me before you’ve read my showcase and sent me a PM.
Who is this "Read" you speak of? Show us her tits
rmrstyle23's Avatar
It happens because typically it's just for confirmation especially rate because specials and how they may change etc.....

I know I always ask to make sure because it's kinda of akward when you show up short and you have to pull out your phone and prove when you booked with screenshots
rmrstyle23's Avatar
It happens because typically it's just for confirmation especially rate because specials and how they may change etc.....

I know I always ask to make sure because it's kinda of akward when you show up short and you have to pull out your phone and prove when you booked with screenshots
Captain.Classic's Avatar
Lol some of us are lazy. We see the pictures and not much else. I’ve found that showcases let me know in advance if a provider and I might have something in common. Saves me time and money. But like I said, some tards hate to read.

I do like your showcase pictures though!
69UILTAZ's Avatar
I look for the ones that like Tequila!!