Should there be a Review section for Photos Only

macbeth1000's Avatar
My schedule of late has been hectic and I have been to more cities in the last few months up North where Eccie isnt a big thing. I noticed that Ter and the other review sites had Zero to no pictures on the reviews which made it difficult when you met the provider and she was not true to her pictures.

So I ask this question, would it be better to have a section under Independent reviews in which only those reviews with pictures taken during the session (No Action or action pictures) should be posted?

I for one initially didnt like pictures being posted however it does make for an interesting read.
bored@home's Avatar

So I ask this question, would it be better to have a section under Independent reviews in which only those reviews with pictures taken during the session (No Action or action pictures) should be posted? Originally Posted by macbeth1000
If it was a quick flip of a switch and voila. then yes sure,why not.
Perhaps expand it with other quick navigation categories for my convenience as well.
Sounds like a damn good idea!
Guest113018-1's Avatar
Yeah, and a body rub only section too. Good luck to yah.
Can't guys just say ((PICS)) in the review title so we know there are pics in the review?
The vast majority already say pics in the title. seems to be working fine.
Brass Balls's Avatar
On second thought, I agree, it may me more hassle than it's worth for the developers to implement that change. Also you have to think of vids as well. Therefore, I will rescind my last statement. I think things are fine the way they are.

Interstellar's Avatar
But some providers already have facial pics in their showcases and don't like to take additional pics by clients.
The vast majority already say pics in the title. seems to be working fine. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Was being sarcastic, OBSG.

A video forum might work. Something girls might think they have to do to "compete"...
May start a thread on "If you were gonna revamp a forum, which one? And what would you do?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I say no. You end up with too many sections. Just put [Pics] in the title. If you keep adding sections, it takes that much longer to scan the board twice or three times a week.
boomvang's Avatar
I think pics in the title line is fine. I think that if anyone writes a review that includes pics he should definitely say so. That gives anyone that doesn't like that sort of thing the opportunity to just skip that review and it leaves everyone's 1st amendment unmessed with.

Providers can't see the ROS so I have heard. If a provider doesn't have face pics in her showcase I find it unlikely that she wants them in the ROS. I have seen photos in the ROS that I don't think anyone wants anywhere. I think that if you post photos without the provider's permission you're a scumbag.

When I have taken photos of women, providers and non-providers "they're just for me" is part of my spiel. My opinion on this has evolved after years of asking for just a few. I have posted face pics with permission on other sites. One friend was even busted by a friend of her mom's. Those came down really fast. In my defense, they were part of a dabbling in cam modeling. She was also sitting right next to me when I posted them.

That experience and finding pictures in profiles of my "things" that I didn't know were for public consumption have helped shape my views on this. As long as reviewers just put "Pics Included" in their title lines I won't won't even have to think about this. ROS or not I pity the fool that post a photo without permission.
I think pics in the title line is fine. I think that if anyone writes a review that includes pics he should definitely say so. That gives anyone that doesn't like that sort of thing the opportunity to just skip that review and it leaves everyone's 1st amendment unmessed with.

Providers can't see the ROS so I have heard. If a provider doesn't have face pics in her showcase I find it unlikely that she wants them in the ROS. I have seen photos in the ROS that I don't think anyone wants anywhere. I think that if you post photos without the provider's permission you're a scumbag.

When I have taken photos of women, providers and non-providers "they're just for me" is part of my spiel. My opinion on this has evolved after years of asking for just a few. I have posted face pics with permission on other sites. One friend was even busted by a friend of her mom's. Those came down really fast. In my defense, they were part of a dabbling in cam modeling. She was also sitting right next to me when I posted them.

That experience and finding pictures in profiles of my "things" that I didn't know were for public consumption have helped shape my views on this. As long as reviewers just put "Pics Included" in their title lines I won't won't even have to think about this. ROS or not I pity the fool that post a photo without permission. Originally Posted by boomvang
I agree and to add to that:

Speaking of scumbags, there is not a provider out there who would give her explicit permission to post open leg pussy shots of her on the internet, even if it is in private tags or in the ROS of the review. It is too bad that just the provider reviewed cannot see the whole review.
boomvang's Avatar
I agree and to add to that:

Speaking of scumbags, there is not a provider out there who would give her explicit permission to post open leg pussy shots of her on the internet, even if it is in private tags or in the ROS of the review. It is too bad that just the provider reviewed cannot see the whole review. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Is that crickets chirping? Way to kill a thread davidfree986. That'll teach you to agree with me. We definitely seem to be in the minority. For the responses from the providers, we could have had this thread in the ML. I just hope no one calls me fussy,
Is that crickets chirping? Way to kill a thread davidfree986. That'll teach you to agree with me. We definitely seem to be in the minority. For the responses from the providers, we could have had this thread in the ML. I just hope no one calls me fussy, Originally Posted by boomvang
There are currently 696 VP with showcases in the Dallas area, many more VP w/o showcases and of course the providers who do not have VP status as of yet. If you look at the threads in Co-Ed, any guy who asks for providers opinions or to respond to his question most of the time gets other dudes that reply and every so often a provider or two may respond, and usually, it is the same handful of providers who reply to threads. Coincidence? I think not!