Common Sense in a proposed Law in NY?

tigerjedi69's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
uncle jack ...that you?
tigerjedi69's Avatar
NY laws are never sensible.

A lot of people are very confused about the term "evidence". Let me help you out. "Evidence" can be *anything*, and *everything* is evidence. "Proof" is a much, much higher bar. In a murder case, your fingerprints on the scene are "evidence". A videotape of you shooting the victim and laughing about it would be "proof".

So, does it make sense that carrying condoms would be evidence of prostitution? Sure. In the same way that slurring your speech is evidence of intoxication... but the real proof is in the Breathalyzer.
fatoldguy's Avatar
N... but the real proof is in the Breathalyzer. Originally Posted by Lucyny
In both cases?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Well said LucyNy
Great post, Lucy.

& FOG - thanks for the afternoon laugh.
Really a hypocritical theory, give out syringes to drug addicts,but if you are caught with one and not a "certified" drug addict, arrested ? It sound as it comes down with the money that the state gets.
pyramider's Avatar
Does this mean the ladies in NY can buy their condoms at Sam's Club and Costco without LE harrassing them?