Alcoholic beverage

Beatnik's Avatar
Whenever I go to P411 to schedule with someone I will read the profile and find what the lady's likes and dislikes are. One of the items there is "favorite drink." I will usually bring their favorite drink with me but I'm coming to the conclusion that it's wasted effort.

There was a 6' tall, thick provider who was very active on the forum a couple of yeas ago but has disappeared of late. A lot of you can probably guess of whom I speak. Her favorite drink was Tuaca. I brought a bottle with me, opened it and poured drinks for the two of us. We each took a few sips and then the Tuaca was quickly neglected as we got down to business. When our time was up, I took the bottle to the refrigerator and, to my surprise, found a large number of bottles of Tuaca already there. Besides myself it appeared that other clients had also brought and left bottles of her favorite drink that weren't consumed.

Another lady, I noticed hers was "Cakebread Chardonnay." I called around to several wine shops before finding one that told me they had one bottle left. I told them to save it for me and I later picked it up. When I presented it to the provider at a 11am appointment she thanked me for it but declined to share it with me saying that she wouldn't be up to her best for the rest of the day if she were to drink "this early in the day."

So hobbyists, what are your experiences mixing alcohol with your sessions? Is it appreciated or just a waste of time and effort? Providers, do you appreciate when a client brings alcohol with him?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I'm fine with a client bringing something.

I will have a glass of whatever it is with them.

But, I have had a few that got too festive. That actually became a little uncomfortable. Drunk sex....I don't get paid enough money for that.


~Kelly TNT
St.Mateo's Avatar

I can certainly understand that feeling, but there is on an occasion and certainly not the first few visits with a gal that sometimes some imbibing works Just depends on the mood.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 05-28-2009, 08:30 AM
..... when the provider opens the door and looks at me and says, "give me a minute, I need a drink before we start. Maybe a couple drinks."
Chevalier's Avatar
I've only done it for late afternoon/early evening when we stop at the hotel bar to enjoy a glass of wine before heading upstairs. That works out pretty well. Bringing an entire bottle would seem a little bit awkward and/or excessive, particularly for an earlier appointment.
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 05-28-2009, 09:01 AM
I do like to bring a gift to a provider and admit if it is a first meeting I like to bring alcohol since a single drink will help me with my nervousness and once the provider sees me she definitely needs a drink sometimes the entire bottle. Following meeting I tend to try and find different type of gift that they might like.
McNulty's Avatar
I've thought about taking a bottle of wine as a gift, but have never done it. Frankly, I would consider it a gift for her and not something that I intended to share with her, but rather for her to enjoy on her own, especially since I generally prefer early or mid-afternoon appointments.
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 05-28-2009, 10:17 AM
But like Kelly said...drunk sex is difficult, esspecially for guys...LOL

These days, if i do a later afternoon or early evening appointment I'll stop by the liquor store and get those really small (travel) bottles of Patron...and have a shot or two with the lady if she likes a shot....i have noticed that it takes the edge off and for me if my day was stressfull...taking the stress of is a big part of the sesson
Lauren Lane's Avatar
I find it very nice when a client brings a bottle of my favorite type of wine. Most of the time I will open and share a glass together or offer him a beer (which we keep stocked here), unless it is a morning appointment. No wine then, but maybe a bellini
I'm fine with a client bringing something.

I will have a glass of whatever it is with them.

But, I have had a few that got too festive. That actually became a little uncomfortable. Drunk sex....I don't get paid enough money for that.


~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I have to agree with Kelly on this one....If its in the evening time i may have a drink with you but not in the early morning
I very much so enjoy when a Client brings an alcoholic beverage...I will always have one or two drinks with them to get to know them better and maybe take one BCD....usually it's only night time appts that alcohol is brought anyways...
Though it may calm my nerves, I suspect alcohol would also adversely affect LittleFatMan.