When did Eccie become the Confederation of Asshats?

blowpop's Avatar
I've been reading some of the threads (like this one ) and I'm appalled by the offensive responses I've been reading.

DED posted a controversial link, and opened things up for discussion. Then some of the gentlemen (and I use that term loosely) decided that it was appropriate to use this forum as some sort of circle jerk of anti-provider behavior.

Is your goal to drive away every provider who doesn't lie to you and kiss your ass about how wonderful you are?

Guys, is this really how you want to be known?

C'mon guys. Grow up.
I can only speak for me. My post was all in good fun. My point was that there is always something someone can complain about in the hobby, so I found the blog to be humorous.
boardman's Avatar
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Bro, it is amazing when a provider brings drama to the board. Guys jump on the bandwagon and point out how much MORE information they learn about a provider based on her posts and soooo many guys state that they take the drama-queen off their list.

BUT they don't seem to understand that it goes both ways.

Of course there are some guys who don't tell a provider their handle; that way they can be a complete dick behind their computer - and get one over on the lady by seeing her under a different name.
And your point is...what? To point this out? I think we've all gotten that message a long time ago, why a new thread about it?

My goal isn't to drive away ALL providers...just the dumbass ones...like people who drop insane blog posts, on a dare, as a supposed reality check to Houston hobbyists, knowing the drama that would ensue...what's crazier is that I don't even drive them away, they drive themselves away when people call them on the dumb shit they post...

As I've said before...I'm not anti-provider...I'm anti-stupid...how is it my fault that a lot of providers have been stupid lately? I've commented onRaphael, Carkido, and random Forth Worth asshats with equal abandon, it's just unfortunate that some providers have taken asshattery to a whole new level lately, and that's overshadowed my comments on hobbyists. I think if you want the entire hobby community to sit around in a circle, hold hands and sing a song...you're living in a hobby utopia which hasn't existed since John the Baptist wrote a NC/NS review of Rahab...

My "board image" is irrelevant to me, and frankly I'm a bit disappointed that people care so much about theirs that they let it interfere with being honest. If a provider chooses to not see me because of my posting tendencies, I will completely respect that, it's their choice and doesn't impact me in any way. As had been said, I'm a big boy, I can take the consequences of my actions, but neither do I let those consequences change me as a person, or how I post.

P.S.-My handle is in my e-mail address...I couldn't avoid it if I tried...and never once has it stopped me from scheduling someone...
blowpop's Avatar
Wakeup, what's the benefit of driving away any providers, whether or not they measure up to your standards for intelligence? It's not like anyone forces you to schedule with every provider, or even to read every post. And I've had some very entertaining session with providers who are not rocket scientists.

My bottom line: I'm 100% in favor of ignoring anyone you choose. But I'm not in favor of a virtual lynch mob driving someone away and thus depriving everyone else of that same choice.
"Intelligence" has nothing to do with it. I have fucked a lot of strippers in my day, and almost without exception they were all dumber than a box of cotton swabs. "Stupid" is something completely different...

What your bottom line fails to realize is that me...Wakeup...one person...does not a "virtual lynch mob" make. What it's missing is that people have to agree with me for it to get to the point of "driving someone away." I'll start all sorts of shit. I'll finish all sorts of shit. I have absolutely no problem going it alone, but I never am...

Your choice to sit back, ignore someone and not comment is noble...it's respectful...and follows the Golden Rule. My argument is that by sitting idly by, you are in fact depriving yourself of the choice. If you disagree, then by all means let me know, let the providers/hobbyists know, let the other posters know, then the choice to see them is still yours.

BTW, how many providers have I driven off since I've been posting here? If you can name one, I'll be impressed.
blowpop's Avatar
No, you don't make a lynch mob by yourself. But DH, BM, and the rest of the constantly yapping little chihuahuas on this board seem to live to follow any leader who pops up, and you, sir, are without a doubt a leader. (We've met IRL, and I have nothing but respect for you, even when we disagree.)

And for what it's worth, I do post here when I disagree and I think it's a battle that's worth fighting. But I honestly don't have either the time or the desire to wrestle with every stupid thing I see written here... if I did that, I'd be nearing 3,000 posts and losing all self respect.
Thanks for contributing to the "confederacy", blowpop. I'm not sure who's the bigger problem: the people who have aggressive board personas, or the people who continually piss and moan about how horrible the people with aggressive board personas are.

Ask yourself this, are they running for the office? Or are you electing them?
I wasn't trying to say that I was a leader by showing that others agree with me. I was trying to say that I'm not the only person who thinks the way I do on certain subjects and if they agree with me, then it can't be "I'm running them off" as much as "we're telling them how we feel" and if they agree with it, fine, if not, fine again.

I understand what you're saying BP, but I can't take responsibility for the actions of others. I'm pretty sure DH and BM were here before me, and don't follow my lead. I also certainly hope I'm not a role model. That would be incredibly stupid of someone to have me as a role model...
dearhunter's Avatar
Ahhhhhh has bp gotten his panties in a wad over some out of town whores who defend the indefensible....all because one fucktard couldn't stand his ground way back when.
Oh God...it was you two???? Geez...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
This should be in the sandbox...just saying.
blowpop's Avatar
Ahhhhhh has bp gotten his panties in a wad over some out of town whores who defend the indefensible....all because one fucktard couldn't stand his ground way back when. Originally Posted by dearhunter
No, it's more that I get tired of message board heroes who live to stir up drama, and who manage to mess up the actual reason that most of us are here.
The sad thing is that hand full of fucktards, with too much free time on their hands, are assuming that they represent a bucket load of Houston hobbyists and turning away some providers from this city and even from using eccie site.

I am seriously thinking about filing cock-blocking suit against them.