Jill Biden tests positive for covid

winn dixie's Avatar
She's had 4 or 5 jabs and still gets the Chinese Wuhan virus. Prez tests negative.
Dr Jills has now had covid at least twice. Per memory!
I'm a proud member of the NOT JABBED
... Surely figures... don't it?

#### Salty
Ducbutter's Avatar
Recent CDC release says that the more vaccinations you've recieved, the more likely you are to contract the new variant.


Also, recent NY Times article says masking does bupkis, per an Oxford study.
ICU 812's Avatar
Foole me once . . . .
Maybe she is sacrificing

Getting us ready for Covid cheating rules for the election

Especially in any purple state where the dims control the sec of state and the courts
HoHound's Avatar
Jill is fear mongering so we’ll mask up, lock down and take more shots. The COVID jabs are an IQ test. If you took them , you failed.
ManSlut's Avatar
Yeh, we all know how you feel about the COVID vaccines Cheap Charlie.

Damn, Jill has had 4-5 vaccine shots and didn’t die immediately? That’s gotten be a first?…Maybe

Sidenote: I contracted COVID for the first time 6 weeks ago (unvaccinated, never even had a flu shot)…For me it was very, very mild short term flu symptoms, but the chronic fatigue was debilitating, never experienced anything like that, and the double ear infection caused probably a 90-95% hearing loss that still troubles me about 5%. Different antibiotics and steroid treatments did nothing to alleviate the ear problems, just slowly fading away on it’s own.
eyecu2's Avatar

Sidenote: I contracted COVID for the first time 6 weeks ago (unvaccinated, never even had a flu shot)…For me it was very, very mild short term flu symptoms, but the chronic fatigue was debilitating, never experienced anything like that, and the double ear infection caused probably a 90-95% hearing loss that still troubles me about 5%. Different antibiotics and steroid treatments did nothing to alleviate the ear problems, just slowly fading away on it’s own. Originally Posted by ManSlut

I had something similar and did Flonase and a 10 day steroid pack. Not sure totally which one worked better but the first 5 pack worked ok but then rebounded so onto a 10 day pack. Finally cleared but almost a month of suffering. I was told you don't want to dry up the ears and sinus too much since that can delay the recovery process due to rebound effect. Just my 2 cts
  • Tiny
  • 09-05-2023, 07:36 PM
Recent CDC release says that the more vaccinations you've recieved, the more likely you are to contract the new variant.

Originally Posted by Ducbutter
If I understood him correctly, the variant has been around awhile, but there have only been two cases in the USA. One noted evolutionary biologist suspects it will be gone in a couple of months. The CDC says people who had COVID and people who had the vaccine may be more likely to be infected by the variant. And the vaccine and boosters and previous infection protect against hospitalization if you're infected by the variant.

My question, who hasn't already gotten vaccinated and/or gotten COVID? I bet most people who think they fall into that category would be shown by antibody tests to have had the disease.
If I understood him correctly, the variant has been around awhile, but there have only been two cases in the USA. One noted evolutionary biologist suspects it will be gone in a couple of months. The CDC says people who had COVID and people who had the vaccine may be more likely to be infected by the variant. And the vaccine and boosters and previous infection protect against hospitalization if you're infected by the variant.

My question, who hasn't already gotten vaccinated and/or gotten COVID? I bet most people who think they fall into that category would be shown by antibody tests to have had the disease. Originally Posted by Tiny
Stop thinking inside the CDC box and think outside of it and you'll find the answer to your questions.
winn dixie's Avatar
For clarification on jill.
Several sites listed her as having 4 shots. While others 5. I didn't care to investigate further.
My question, who hasn't already gotten vaccinated and/or gotten COVID? I bet most people who think they fall into that category would be shown by antibody tests to have had the disease. Originally Posted by Tiny
I had one JNJ vaccine. I have never had COVID. I know because I'm in a study. Some people absolutely should get vaxed. Your doctor is the best person to help you decide.
HoHound's Avatar
If you got nose swabbed, the Chinese have your DNA. Who knows what they'll do with that data. Have you noticed that nobody ever says "I caught a cold" or "I had the flu" anymore. It's always COVID now. Sounds more dramatic/serious. "Colds" and "Flus" have been 100% eradicated after centuries of annual infections. Amazing. Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe. A rose by any other name.....
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Some of you old timers are funny. Is this really what I have to look forward to in about 30 years? My life will really suck that much that I'll snicker at the president's wife getting something like Covid and then laugh about how she took multiple vaccines for precautionary measures to mitigate the possible serious effects of it? Damn fellas. Seriously? Be better than that if you can.

Just FYI, I'll bet every penny I own that Jill will be just fine not only because of the "jab" shots, but also because she has access to the best medical care in the world.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^If you’re referencing me as someone taking shots at Jill for taking multiple vaccines and contracting the virus, I was making fun of the COVID conspiracy theorists that getting the vaccine is killing people, in some cases immediately…Yeh whatever.

I have always stated that our government’s actions, in spite of Trump’s delays & denialism, was the right thing to do, even if the deaths were mainly the elderly. They were someone’s loved one and the healthcare (hospitals) was being overrun.

I also said if my parents were still alive at that time I wouldn’t have hesitated to get a vaccine because I would have done everything to protect my parents, even sacrificing myself to keep them alive.

What I have just gone thru with COVID, even though it was not a bad respiratory thing, it was an unreal FATIGUE for over 3 weeks. I NEVER imagined something could cause me to sleep 18-20 hrs EVERYDAY…Not to mention the worst ear infections I have ever had in my life with the hearing loss!

Making fun of anyone preventing themselves from contracting any degree of COVID or battling any degree of infection? Not this guy, and I doubt you are 30 years younger than me, maybe 15?…Lol.

My MannyStick was wagging at the new Cheap Charlie, the biggest anti-vax conspiracy promoter on this site, not to mention racist and MAGA Cultist.