Hey, America. This Is Your President!


What a fucking joke.
Who the hell is actually running our Country?
It sure isn’t this old, inept, stupid, lying, corrupt piece of shit.
Yeah, who runs the country because it sure isn't Biden. So who the hell is running Biden, lol. There was a guy named Voltaire, he was quoted as saying " To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize".
ManSlut's Avatar
No doubt, it is sad and he is not a joke, he signed on for a job and he’s doing it the best he can, but it is an embarrassment and he is embarrassing.

Please, get me another choice for President other than Trump or his lying lap dog ‘Swamy’ so I won’t I have to vote for this senile, fading fast, old man.

Gosh damn that’s hard to watch, but when you have seen it happen to your own parents and other relatives at this stage of my life, it’s better for me to show compassion and empathy for him than criticism. Why? Because my day will be coming as well, getting old that is, and sooner than I wish it to.
I would accept Trump as President IF he could get elected.
I don’t buy into all of the revisionist bullshit that says the Country was not well off under Trump’s administration.
But even though he could garner 70+ million votes, he would loose the electoral vote.

So how do we ditch him.? And how do we get a candidate that is palatable to the millions of Trump Voters.

It’s a catch 22. If we nominate Trump, there is an outside chance the Republicans could win.

However, if he is denied the nomination for any reason other than voter rejection, his supporters will say, “fuck all of you”, stay home, and give the Democrats the greatest electoral victory since Reagan beat Mondale.
eyecu2's Avatar
I would accept Trump as President IF he could get elected.
I don’t buy into all of the revisionist bullshit that says the Country was not well off under Trump’s administration.
But even though he could garner 70+ million votes, he would loose the electoral vote.

So how do we ditch him.? And how do we get a candidate that is palatable to the millions of Trump Voters.

However, if he is denied the nomination for any reason other than voter rejection, his supporters will say, “fuck all of you”, stay home, and give the Democrats the greatest electoral victory since Reagan beat Mondale. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well it's not about the popular vote here in the USA, but I would say, when you get two old coots in the running, it's literally going to be about VP's and their character. I would say Harris is as popular as having a colostomy bag, and Trump will likely pick someone like the South Dakota's Noem, or Nevada's Lake. He likes women, but that would end up being him just banging his VP., and it will be the end of the GOP. He's got to pick a young guy like Swammy, or maybe Nikki Haley. Otherwise, no name recognition, and all the coverage that will come from GA and others will be a black eye that will be hard to overcome for those who wouldnt already vote for Trump even if he "just shot a guy on 5th avenue".
DNinja69's Avatar
To the question of WHO is actually calling the shots I am certain it isn't the fossil aka President. Not sure he would be able to hold down 30 hours a week as a Wal Mart door greeter without needing some oversight.

The fact that current poll numbers show Biden likely to win against the field (or at least holding his own) is pretty ridiculous. The thought of him stepping down for Harris to take over is not any better.
ManSlut's Avatar
Well it's not about the popular vote here in the USA, but I would say, when you get two old coots in the running, it's literally going to be about VP's and their character.
Originally Posted by eyecu2
I disagree, it has never come down to a VP candidate’s character, it should but it doesn’t…If character had a damn thing to do with it Slick Willie Clinton and Donald Bankruptcy Grab ‘em by the Pussy Trump would never have been elected.

And I think Kamala has good character compared to most, but her politics, thus her policies, would be extreme Liberalism.
Just curious...did trumpy get laughed at by all the world leaders for bragging about how great he was and all that he has accomplished. And replied well I didn't expect that reaction. He still thinks he is one of the cool kids

Oops I meant Biden of course. Wasn't Biden the one pushing his way through all the world leaders so he could be in the front row for pics. Oops I meant trumpy who still wants to be one of the cool kids. I'm thinking his supporters That don't look so good don't count as real cool kids...just deplorable dumpasses in jail
... Hey America! --- THIS is your President.

Now don't tell me that some o' you liberal lads are
jumping off the Biden ship as it surely runs a-ground?

... Man Overboard!! ...

#### Salty
I disagree, it has never come down to a VP candidate’s character, it should but it doesn’t…If character had a damn thing to do with it Slick Willie Clinton and Donald Bankruptcy Grab ‘em by the Pussy Trump would never have been elected.

And I think Kamala has good character compared to most, but her politics, thus her policies, would be extreme Liberalism. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Of course it's not about Character. It's about a reaction. These people are Actors, Writers and Producers. They really aren't doing anything it's the Politicians that we seldom hear about or are exposed to are the ones that do the actual governing of the country. The ones put in the lime light are just playing a role. The Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) is a web site which compiles profiles of the movie industry, one can't be listed in it unless of course they have been associated with the movie industry in some sort of capacity. Some of our most notable Politicians are listed in it. Politics is basically show biz.
Was a terrible week for Biden

Rambled on about having to got to bed at the G20

Shook hands with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud on Saturday

Released 6 billion dollars of frozen Iranian assets
Obama admitted it funded terror when he did it

Snubbed 9/11 families on Monday
ICU 812's Avatar
Everyone sees it. World leaders see it up close. The Chineese, the Iranians, the Russians and North Koreans are all laughing at the USA.

This is not Ronald Regan with the beginnings of Alzheimer's that killed him in private yeaes after leaving office.

This is not Bruce Willis who left public life when he cold n o longer act 'normal".

This is a gaggle of conspiring power brokers and handlers, some of them close fsmily, that are propping Mr. Biden up and filling him full of who knows what drugs to keep him barely functioning.
Ripmany's Avatar
Is Vietnam a bunch of stupid communist they need more orange medicine.