Georgia Fani and her LIES

... G'day Stumpers,

The idea and view that Fulton county's Fani Willis
and the Grand Jury there have Run Amok is maybe
the most UNDERSTATED comment that I have read.

... We see that they surely wanted to bring charges
against almost EVERYBODY - that had any involvement
in the 2020 elections. .... The Fulton county
report shows us that.

... Fani and the others wanted to indict former
Republican Sens David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler
- which may have been a sad attempt to chase
them away from seeking public office again.

While also wanting to go after Lindsey Graham.
Who's "half-Dem" right now.

And also wanted to bring indictments against
Trump attorneys - Cleta Mitchell and Kurt Hilbert.

Some 39 TOTAL individuals - not merely the 19
charged in the RICO indictment.

... Now there was EXTENSIVE testimony on the subject
of alleged Election Fraud by poll workers, technical
experts, and state of GA employees and officers and
from persons still claiming that election fraud took place.

... Not just testimony - but signed affidavits.
A great number of people hereby SWEARING to what they saw.

... And all of that was OVERLOOKED by the Grand Jury.

- WHO - "found by UNANIMOUS VOTE that NO widespread fraud
took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election
that could result in overturning that election"....

... Not that "widespread fraud" didn't happen.
Just not enough to change the outcome.

And also recommended the indictment against Trump election
lawyer Cleta Mitchell because of the 2 January phone call.

This was the "famous" phone call between President Trump,
the election lawyers, Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger,
and some state barristers.

So the Grand Jury wanted to bring charges against
Cleta Mitchell for "Interfering with Performance of
Election Duties, Solicitation ot Commit Election Fraud,
and making False Statements.

... What's surely HIGHLY ALARMING is that once we DO
look at the phone call - those charges ALL fall away.

No wonder they DIDN'T charge her... Doing so would then
bring the TRUTH to light.

... We'll look at the phone call in me next post...

#### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar
Well that leaves, 20 that could have, and probably should have, been charged by Ms Willis but weren’t.

So your BDS (BidenDerangedSyndrome) has now metastasized to complaining about Ms Willis not doing her job thoroughly and ignoring the Grand Jury’s recommendations? She had the power & license to, or you are complaining because so far 19 corrupt people get to prove their innocence.

That shitass from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is NO HALF DEM, he’s been a full blown Trump cocksucker for 8 years now. He’s worse than a MAGA Cultist, and is a long term politician old enough to know bending the knee and kissing the ring of a Con Man is a very bad look. He is no RINO, he’s a full blown dumbass. I wish he had gotten indicted.

Why do you feel the need to create a second stupid thread on a topic that was previously, and recently, created? You brought absolutely NOTHING new to this subject, only more Weh, Weh, Weh.

Go get your diaper changed, ‘me sources’ think you pissed yourself.
... On-to the 2 January phone call - just 4 days before
the Certification Day.

... Trump had a still-pending election challenge in Fulton county.
Cleta Mitchell - one of Trump's lawyers - asked Raffensberger
why the court "was not acting on our petition"... They haven't
even assigned a Judge"... "The people of Georgia and people
of America have a right to know the answers"...

Kurt Hilbert -another lawyer - also highlighted during the phone
conversation several specific violations of the Georgia election
code - including ones that had been CONFIRMED.

For instance - Mitchell stressed that they had watched the
entire State Farm Arena video tape - where they made
everybody leave... All the election observers.
Mitchell also mentioned that they had "sworn affidavits"
saying that...

... So the observers are told to leave - and once gone
- the workers still on-site once again begin to process
the ballots.... With no "watchful eyes" there.

Mitchell noted that Trump's election team had estimated
that nearly 18,000 ballots were counted AFTER the observers
were told to leave.

... More on this in me next post...

#### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar
Nice thread edit after I called you out where your first thread post ended at the ‘half dem’ Smiley face statement.

Just more Weak Sauce on a Big Ole Nuthin Burger!

A wannabe con man tyrant duped numerous people to drink his Kool Aid in GA and now they get to face the music…Good work Ms Willis, throw the book at ALL these dumbasses!!

This shit is better than prosecuting people for an insurrection on what was supposed to be a peaceful transition of power and the con man had the intellect to organize a mob on the day of and call it ‘Stop the Steal’ and sent the mob ‘to fight like hell’ and the dumbasses went and did it, now he cries than he did nothing wrong and gets to have his day in court…Can’t wait…No one, and I mean no one, lies like that son-of-a-bitch and he’s too stupid and arrogant to shut his big, blow up, plastic, fuck doll mouth to stop incriminating himself.

I love it!!!

Bring on the TV cameras for this great execution of our Legal System bringing down an organized crime ring of politicians and ass kissers!

I will be buying extra popcorn for that television drama!!!
ManSlut's Avatar
Keep running amok Ms Willis, you got ‘em by the balls & pussies, running scared and crying like children!!!

Just like the ‘me sources’ wacko!!

Weak sauce on a Big Ole Nuthin Burger!!

Love it!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Fani Willis is doing a great job and has trumpf doing everything he can to get this moved to federal court. She's got him. Everything else in the op is reaching.
biomed1's Avatar
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... So they illegally counted ballots after telling the
observers to leave...

The GA election lawsuit argued that the continued counting
ballots at the arena surely constituted a violation of the
state election law - specifically Section 21-2-483(b).

This law requires ALL proceedings at the Tabulating Centre
and Precincts "to be open to the view of the public."

The election lawsuit also alleged a violation of 21-2-493,
which requires the Superintendent of Elections to publicly
commence the computation and canvassing of returns and
continue the same from the day until completed.

Mitchell then asked why it wouldn't be in everyones best
interest to try and get to the bottom and compare numbers.
And then asked specifically what number of ballots the
Sec. of State had concluded were counted at the arena
AFTER the observers were sent home.

Georgia Officials there provided NO answer.

... But there were other claimed violations of the GA
election law. Hilbert mentioned they had hard numbers
for 24,149 votes counted illegally - based on USPS
(American postal service) and the Sec. of State's data.

Which in and of itself is surely sufficient to change the
results or place the outcome in doubt.

Hilbert and Mitchell wanted the Sec. of State to sit down
with them and actually go through the registered voter IDs
and registrations.

But Raffensperger "ran the clock out" by NOT naming
a Judge - and the Certified the election a few day later.

And obviously - Raffensperger and Gov. Brian Kemp were
petrified with fear that a Judge just might look at
the evidence of violations and thus HOLD UP the state
certification - causing either a "re-vote" for the state
or the alternative electors being used.

... So there you have it...

... Fani must not have revealed any of these FACTS to
her mates on the Grand Jury... Of course there's the
odd chance that SHE doesn't even know of them.

... No bleedin' wonder the Legal Scholars surely believe
that her case is severely flawed.

#### Salty
This has all been debunked. You provide no proof of any of your claims.

Politifact rates the following claim "FALSE"

Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table and illegally counted after election observers were told to leave.

"A video presented by Rudy Giuliani and promoted by the Trump campaign purports to show Georgia election workers illegally counting suitcases full of ballots after election observers had been told to leave. The video itself doesn’t prove this claim.

Georgia election officials, including Republican voting system implementation manager Gabriel Sterling, publicly disputed claims that the video shows fraudulent activity.

Officials said that there was never an instruction for observers to leave, and that there were no suitcases full of ballots. The bins in the video were standard ballot containers, and the footage shows what officials described as the normal tabulation process."

... So they illegally counted ballots after telling the
observers to leave...

The GA election lawsuit argued that the continued counting
ballots at the arena surely constituted a violation of the
state election law - specifically Section 21-2-483(b).

This law requires ALL proceedings at the Tabulating Centre
and Precincts "to be open to the view of the public."

The election lawsuit also alleged a violation of 21-2-493,
which requires the Superintendent of Elections to publicly
commence the computation and canvassing of returns and
continue the same from the day until completed.

Mitchell then asked why it wouldn't be in everyones best
interest to try and get to the bottom and compare numbers.
And then asked specifically what number of ballots the
Sec. of State had concluded were counted at the arena
AFTER the observers were sent home.

Georgia Officials there provided NO answer.

... But there were other claimed violations of the GA
election law. Hilbert mentioned they had hard numbers
for 24,149 votes counted illegally - based on USPS
(American postal service) and the Sec. of State's data.

Which in and of itself is surely sufficient to change the
results or place the outcome in doubt.

Hilbert and Mitchell wanted the Sec. of State to sit down
with them and actually go through the registered voter IDs
and registrations.

But Raffensperger "ran the clock out" by NOT naming
a Judge - and the Certified the election a few day later.

And obviously - Raffensperger and Gov. Brian Kemp were
petrified with fear that a Judge just might look at
the evidence of violations and thus HOLD UP the state
certification - causing either a "re-vote" for the state
or the alternative electors being used.

... So there you have it...

... Fani must not have revealed any of these FACTS to
her mates on the Grand Jury... Of course there's the
odd chance that SHE doesn't even know of them.

... No bleedin' wonder the Legal Scholars surely believe
that her case is severely flawed.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
eyecu2's Avatar
Salty- if Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger felt that the petitions had any merit, he would have acted on them. It's his duty and his decision to use both judgement and the laws he took an oath to abide by, to validate and certify the vote.

Raffensperger is a certified GOP member and voter.

Why would he not certify a vote for Trump if it was indeed valid or if it conformed to the laws to certify that? The reason is simple. Neither the allegations, or "proof" was vetted to satisfy the halting, etc. of that vote; or that any improper votes were counted post a cutoff etc.

Remember- Georgia also conducted three different recounts of ballots of the presidential election, all of which confirmed Biden as the winner.
Now you complain because Willis only charged 19 of the people the Grand Jury recommended charges against.

The jury made recommendations. Willis determined who was charged.

I've seen accounts of the reasons everybody recommended but not charged. Restraint was used. Running amok is used by trumpys to downplay the sheer numbers of people involved in the attempt by trump et al to overthrow the election results.

Once again, no proof backing up your claims.

... G'day Stumpers,

The idea and view that Fulton county's Fani Willis
and the Grand Jury there have Run Amok is maybe
the most UNDERSTATED comment that I have read.

... We see that they surely wanted to bring charges
against almost EVERYBODY - that had any involvement
in the 2020 elections. .... The Fulton county
report shows us that.

... Fani and the others wanted to indict former
Republican Sens David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler
- which may have been a sad attempt to chase
them away from seeking public office again.

While also wanting to go after Lindsey Graham.
Who's "half-Dem" right now.

And also wanted to bring indictments against
Trump attorneys - Cleta Mitchell and Kurt Hilbert.

Some 39 TOTAL individuals - not merely the 19
charged in the RICO indictment.

... Now there was EXTENSIVE testimony on the subject
of alleged Election Fraud by poll workers, technical
experts, and state of GA employees and officers and
from persons still claiming that election fraud took place.

... Not just testimony - but signed affidavits.
A great number of people hereby SWEARING to what they saw.

... And all of that was OVERLOOKED by the Grand Jury.

- WHO - "found by UNANIMOUS VOTE that NO widespread fraud
took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election
that could result in overturning that election"....

... Not that "widespread fraud" didn't happen.
Just not enough to change the outcome.

And also recommended the indictment against Trump election
lawyer Cleta Mitchell because of the 2 January phone call.

This was the "famous" phone call between President Trump,
the election lawyers, Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger,
and some state barristers.

So the Grand Jury wanted to bring charges against
Cleta Mitchell for "Interfering with Performance of
Election Duties, Solicitation ot Commit Election Fraud,
and making False Statements.

... What's surely HIGHLY ALARMING is that once we DO
look at the phone call - those charges ALL fall away.

No wonder they DIDN'T charge her... Doing so would then
bring the TRUTH to light.

... We'll look at the phone call in me next post...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Fani Willis is ineligible to hold Public Office due to her violation of Georgia Statute O.C.G.A.16-10-17 False Swearing. Willis swore an Oath stating she was not the holder of any monies owed to the State of Georgia. It's been discovered by Georgia HOR Charlice Byrd that Willis indeed has outstanding Fees/Fines since 2018 owed by her to the State of Georgia. Byrd is petitioning the State of Georgia to have Willis removed from office. Willis can't bring Criminal Charges against anyone until her eligibility to hold office is fully valid.
eyecu2's Avatar
Fani Willis is ineligible to hold Public Office due to her violation of Georgia Statute O.C.G.A.16-10-17 False Swearing. Willis swore an Oath stating she was not the holder of any monies owed to the State of Georgia. It's been discovered by Georgia HOR Charlice Byrd that Willis indeed has outstanding Fees/Fines since 2018 owed by her to the State of Georgia. Byrd is petitioning the State of Georgia to have Willis removed from office. Originally Posted by Levianon17
oh my lord. 250.00 dollars in late fee's that she may or MAY NOT have been aware of, would be laughed right out of court. This is the type of minutia that only desperate GOPhers would try to find in order to save their king from prosecution. The other thing they would need to do is prove that she knew of the late fee's and wasn't ever requested to repay those.

Funny how during her entire tenure, that this miniscule pittance sum of money hasn't been brought up. Only when she's holding dirtbag Trump etal accountable is it an issue. What's likley more suspect, is that Charlice Byrd's recieved illegal campaign donations in excess of whats' allowed by her Hubby's contacts in the real-estate world he is part of at Berkshire Hathaway.

It's always the ones who are slinging mud, who are guilty themselves of the facts they accuse others of.

In any event, the fact that Byrd would use her position to stoop so low as to dig into a late book fee or the like, to eliminate Fanni Willis, tells you everything you need to know about the desperate nature of the GOP who knows DJT is in the deepest shit that is possible.

Pass the popcorn, cause Imma watch him and Mark Meadows go down in flames while they are on trial. Epic indeed.
oh my lord. 250.00 dollars in late fee's that she may or MAY NOT have been aware of, would be laughed right out of court. This is the type of minutia that only desperate GOPhers would try to find in order to save their king from prosecution. The other thing they would need to do is prove that she knew of the late fee's and wasn't ever requested to repay those.

Funny how during her entire tenure, that this miniscule pittance sum of money hasn't been brought up. Only when she's holding dirtbag Trump etal accountable is it an issue. What's likley more suspect, is that Charlice Byrd's recieved illegal campaign donations in excess of whats' allowed by her Hubby's contacts in the real-estate world he is part of at Berkshire Hathaway.

It's always the ones who are slinging mud, who are guilty themselves of the facts they accuse others of.

In any event, the fact that Byrd would use her position to stoop so low as to dig into a late book fee or the like, to eliminate Fanni Willis, tells you everything you need to know about the desperate nature of the GOP who knows DJT is in the deepest shit that is possible.

Pass the popcorn, cause Imma watch him and Mark Meadows go down in flames while they are on trial. Epic indeed. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yeah, a small Fee she felt she was too good to pay. But the Law is what it is. If she truly believes in the Rule of Law she would have paid it. She has no business being in a position of authority if she can't practice what she preaches. Don't bash Byrd just because the Fine or Fee whatever is five years over due doesn't give Willis a pass. Willis is nothing but a bought Piece of Shit.
The same people, latching on to any BS story, that have been FALSELY claiming the orange ass was going to be re-instated on Date 1, Date 2, Date 3, for almost 3 years. He lost, period. Get over it, or keep sending him money so he doesn't have to use his...

Or at least get creative and say he's going to be installed as king on Christmas Eve and will be arriving in Santa's flying sleigh. If you're going to live your life around fairy tales, might as well make it a good story.