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jojodancer15's Avatar
ABC Channel 13 News announce a pimp was arrested after a 6 month long uncover sting. They wanted his ass bad!!!

Champagne Brown's Avatar
He's about to do some serious time!
Russ38's Avatar

Story sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.....
JJ8901's Avatar
right before an election......how odd......
It ain't easy being a pimp.

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TryWeakly's Avatar
I can think of a few .....
jimmy jump's Avatar
If he is a member you just outed him.
Slitlikr's Avatar
If he is a member you just outed him. Originally Posted by jimmy jump

Who did he out?
jimmy jump's Avatar
The guy who’s pic and name is in the link.
I know you’re a smartalec that thinks if he didn’t link a handle he didn’t out him.
Bullshit, and IF that guy is a member and he complains jojo will be gone.
oilman12's Avatar
^^ so the pimp will forgo the one telephone call and request internet access instead to log on and report some tard for outing him huh?..ok. someone pass the popcorn please
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
If he makes 30k a week i doubt he gives a f about being outed.. Hell he didnt mi d bragging to someone he just met he was a pimp why because they bought some coke... Sounds shifty to me almost like he wanted to be caught...

Besides lets be honest if he really makes that much money hell have a high profile lawyer and get the minimum allowed (money talks even dopedealers get off like the spoiled rich kids for the right price) but i do want to know who the fuck tells their bisness to someone theyve known 2 weeks... Either hes the dumbest criminal to exist or this is fake news
CandyStoreKid's Avatar
He's not outed. No one on this site knows anyone's real identity. If anything, he outed himself when he got caught and it made national news.
boardman's Avatar
"Investigators say some of the women are victims of human trafficking and they fear there are more victims out there."

I love how they always find a way to throw this in and then get some uptight bitch from Elijah Rising or some other WELL FUNDED anti-sex trafficking organization to comment how all prostitution is trafficking or some such nonsense.

Some of the statements the Constable made are questionable. He's convicting the guy by saying he's into anything illegal you can think of but doesn't give any examples. I can think of a lot of shit that's illegal. He's involved in all of that? Maybe the guy is a bad dude and is trafficking women and selling ________. I'm not buying all of what the Constable's office is selling though. Every fucking thing has to be sensationalized. Seems that's the only way they can get on TV or the front page. The question that needs to be asked is why that's so important. The answer is $$$.
If he's selling $1500 an hr pussy is not known here. Every one around here complains if providers charge over $160.
The guy who’s pic and name is in the link.
I know you’re a smartalec that thinks if he didn’t link a handle he didn’t out him.
Bullshit, and IF that guy is a member and he complains jojo will be gone. Originally Posted by jimmy jump
People have linked every bust that has happened in Houston,names,mugshots and all and no one was ever banned for outing

Better question is,whose mandle are you?
I see you got your fake review for PA already written..straight out of the book of rockerrick
Which lucky,imaginary stripper are you going to review after your 6 weeks run out?

what's your other handle?