Anna Gristina Gets BAIL!

parisdivine's Avatar
Anna Gristina finally gets bail! il-hearing...
Wow! You thought she killed someone!
The only ones that truly suffer are the children, missing their mother all this time!
All this because >>>SHE KEPT HER MOUTH SHUT! Picture that ! An honorable woman who works hard, keeps her mouth shut (for a first time non violent offense), that others get an appearance ticket and would be serving probation.
She gets slammed with NO BAIL , then $ 2million . Now anna can go home to her kids for $250 K ,after waiting almost a YEAR in prison!
This hobby has a higher price, ask yourself , if God forbid in Anna Gristina's place... Could you hold up?
An honorable woman.
To the REAL women who hold the discression of this hobby!
Cheers to us!
She could have ratted ...
Respect and Love,
Is this the same Anna Gristina you are talking about?

If the sex trafficking charge is true I see nothing honorable about this woman.
I'm sure the only reason she is keeping quiet is because she is in fear of her & her family's life. Eastern Europeans are cut throat. Jonas Gayer has been outed as a confidential informant in the case.
Snitches, lol. At least he doesn't have to fear dropping the soap.
parisdivine's Avatar
Anna Gristina is charged with a single count of promoting prostitution. Not trafficking.
Im speaking to HER. Not about rats who wanna save themselves, after the ship sinks.
No one can speak of the character of the company we keep. Not even after such intimiate meetings.
Water seeks its own level. Dating service or back page one needs to question why her bail was so high on a single count . with no priors. MY point is sex work should be legal . period
No one can speak of the character of the company we keep.
She should have kept those squares up out her circle, lol.
  • Joyce
  • 06-27-2012, 08:58 AM
Hi, when I go to the story by link, it's just a bunch of blanked out lines (I've seen this story in the past, do know some, but of what was put out), but, from so much BS "males wanting to control women and get their hands on the money too" crimes by those claiming to be law upon so many has always shown me what/who the real crime tends to be from. I'm going to jump to what I can only figure is another case of armed robbery, kidnapping, and a lot of sex crimes committed by corrupt law, and all those involved, that have done this to her and those in her business. Promoting? Sounds like another 'sexually harassing-mental-stunner' to keep in a fraudulent-stating-gray-zone to have an excuse to: take that money, and anything else they're doing to her...

I'd like to see every tiny detail and talk with her and the girls....

How can anyone really promote when individuals are free to choose at all times? Null, BS....Makes no sense as to what would be criminal about it....

I already know the crimes, ways, actions and involvements from 'phoney-fraud anti-American unconstitutional corrupt law' outsiders would most likely add up to all of them in prison for life.... (and I'm talking about those that did this to her and the rest, and all of us over-all....)

Either a being is offensive to another or not, in all situations in life. That's where it starts....