Question on No Shows

I've been in the hobby for a bit and have thoroughly enjoyed my time! I've met some wonderful women and have enjoyed that even more.

I realize this is a business and I rely heavily on reviews as I don't want to be disappointed nor waste my time. I've never had a problem till today.

I made the appointment 3 days in advance. We communicated several times up to the appointed day.

I text her to let her know I'm running 5 minutes late at 10 minutes before the appointment. She responds that she's at a girlfriends place helping her move and could we move the appointment to a later time that day.

Wow! Bummer! I rearranged my afternoon so I could play in the morning.

Question. Is this something we need to post in a review of the provider? Is this just something to chalk up to experience and leave it be? And let other gents take a chance? Or am I just wanting to be an ass?

Yes, I'm disappointed. But I am greatful that this was the first time it's happened. I hope it doesn't happen again. :-)

Just curious to see what others think.


I'm going to repost on my local area too to get feedback.
I, for one, don't see your notification of her behavior as unreasonable. I think you should say something if you are treated badly. I would expect to see it in a review if I nc/ns someone (which I think is inexcusable).

I'm sorry that happened. May they be few and far between.
So did you see her that afternoon? Did you tell her "No, I can only see you at this time?" How did it play out? There is not enough information here to give you an honest response. In a review you can state it as you did above, perhaps it's note worthy but not alert worthy.
atlcomedy's Avatar
In a review you can state it as you did above, perhaps it's note worthy but not alert worthy. Originally Posted by TxBrandy

It is review worthy. She was not available to see you at the appointed time & worse made no proactive attempt to contact you.

It is not alert worthy. Alert implies harm of some sort: LE, physical danger, ripoff, etc.
shit happens, let it go and find another lady, we have all been had nc/ns at times.
shit happens, let it go and find another lady, we have all been had nc/ns at times. Originally Posted by bigbobftworth
True, but the gent needs to inform his fellow hobbyists about this. I don't have any idea why a hobbyist would schedule with a provider that is known to be flaky and has no-showed gents in the past. Past behavior is the best indication of future behavior. As was said, note-worthy but probably not alert-worthy. H
Post what happened in you local Co-ed discussion area.

Of course, the provider will chime in, calling you a liar and a sh*thead, saying you did a NC/NS on HER, it will degenerate into a he-said/she-said, and then the local Moderator will close the thread.

But if she keeps pulling the same stunt, and guys keep reporting it, then MAYBE she'll figure out that she needs to cut that sh*t out, or it's gonna adversely affect her bidness.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Its important to know what her thinking is on this before you can move forward.

Regardless its also a very good idea to have a plan B,C and or D incase that happens.
lionheart's Avatar
Did the girl in question offer any kind of make-up session? While there are very few things that are more frustrating than a nc/ns, I still always try to talk to the girl before I post about what happened and at least give her a chance to right the wrong. A girl will really show her true colors in how she handles a situation like this. The really top notch girls will always feel sorry for the incident and want to make it up to you.

If she offered no remorse or apology, just a "sorry, buddy, better luck next time" then I would certainly post an accurate and respectful account of what happened in the appropriate forum (do not flame her or call her names and such - it just makes you look bad). She very well may flame you in response, but that just makes her look even worse.

It may also partly depend on how bad you want to see this girl. Be sure to realize that once you post the nc/ns then you will most certainly not ever be able to meet with her again. I would have no problem posting a nc/ns because I wouldn't want to waste my time and money on a girl like that anyway, but I just mention this because there are a lot of guys who think more with the little head and don't really care how the girl treats them.
If a lady or even a gentleman nc/ns enough word will get around soon enough. If a hobbyist or provider thinks they need to post something, they most certainly have that right. And yes we all read these posts. I think StavinChain said it best above, it turns out to he said she said, a pissing contest happens, insults fly, white knights ride in, poor providers looses business, hobbyist looses time and effort. Life is too short for shit to hit the fan over this, find another lady and the lady can book another appointment.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It is worthy of noting in a review. Here's why. The date was made days in advance. The provider knew she had a client booked at a certain day and at a certain time. In the real business world, this is called an appointment. Real world appointments are not canceled in order to help a friend move WITHOUT notifying the other party of the cancellation. Instead of provider/client substitute doctor/patient in the above mentioned situation, and my point becomes obviously clear. Would you want your doctor to blow off an appointment? If he did, don't you think other patient or potential patients should know this? It was a pre-booked appointment. That can't be over-looked. I had this happen to me, and your damn right I wrote a no-show review. I owe it to my fellow hobbyists as well as the provider. Maybe if she see's it in a review, she'll think twice about doing it again.
I would post a review about it. As much of an airhead I am myself, I keep everything in my dayplanner and I do not forget my gentlemen.....I may forget to pick up the milk on the way home....but a date I won't.

There is too much trust, and too much money involved in this hobby for a lady to pull a NC/NS. Make the review. If it was purely by accident on her part, this will be a good lesson.
Crash Davis's Avatar
I had this happen to me time and time again with the same provider until I "grew a pair", I would only know it was going to be a NCNS after I made the call/text to my provider to hear what the excuse of the day was.....why did I have to make the call? Like Cpalmson stated it was a pre-booked appointment. I've since learned that I should have been more in-tuned to reviews as it was well known and common with this provider but I was new to the hobby.....
I made the appointment 3 days in advance. We communicated several times up to the appointed day.

I text her to let her know I'm running 5 minutes late at 10 minutes before the appointment. She responds that she's at a girlfriends place helping her move and could we move the appointment to a later time that day.

Question. Is this something we need to post in a review of the provider? Is this just something to chalk up to experience and leave it be? And let other gents take a chance? Or am I just wanting to be an ass? Originally Posted by rrickee
I DO view this as an NC/NS, contrary to what some of the ladies have indicated. It's close to appointment time, and YOU initiate a call, and she says, "oh by the way, I'm busy." She didn't call you. Tells you where you are on her priority list, and where your money is on her list, too.

I spend anywhere from 1-2 hours getting ready for an appointment. To get NC/NSd on sucks the life out. And it is expensive since MY time is valuable in addition to the provider's time. So by the time the session is over, I've got a lot invested in it. And to be NC/NSd is unforgivable IMHO.

I, for one, don't see your notification of her behavior as unreasonable. I think you should say something if you are treated badly. I would expect to see it in a review if I nc/ns someone (which I think is inexcusable).

I'm sorry that happened. May they be few and far between. Originally Posted by Nina Rae

It is worthy of noting in a review. Here's why. The date was made days in advance. The provider knew she had a client booked at a certain day and at a certain time. In the real business world, this is called an appointment. Real world appointments are not canceled in order to help a friend move WITHOUT notifying the other party of the cancellation. Instead of provider/client substitute doctor/patient in the above mentioned situation, and my point becomes obviously clear. Would you want your doctor to blow off an appointment? If he did, don't you think other patient or potential patients should know this? It was a pre-booked appointment. That can't be over-looked. I had this happen to me, and your damn right I wrote a no-show review. I owe it to my fellow hobbyists as well as the provider. Maybe if she see's it in a review, she'll think twice about doing it again. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
While I agree with Cpalmson in general, I disagree that is should be posted in a review. I have seen hobbyists treated rather shabbily by some Mods when they post an NC/NS in the Review section. I think the Mods believe it is more properly posted in Alerts.

I would post a review about it. As much of an airhead I am myself, I keep everything in my dayplanner and I do not forget my gentlemen.....I may forget to pick up the milk on the way home....but a date I won't.

There is too much trust, and too much money involved in this hobby for a lady to pull a NC/NS. Make the review. If it was purely by accident on her part, this will be a good lesson. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I agree generally with Tiff (and I generally agree with her on most things, no matter the thread), but see my caveat to Cpalmson above.
pyramider's Avatar
1. Some members of this community are known flakes. You know this going in and you chose to roll the dice.

2. Life happens. Just accept that fact.