despite the words "act of terror" directly out of his mouth at the 1;00 minute mark on the tape from the speech he gave the day after,, youre an idiot
Originally Posted by CJ7
This is what CBS finally reported, CBJ7:
October 17, 2012.
"Let's look at the transcript of those September 12 comments in the Rose Garden, as the president suggested.
"It shows that the president did refer to "acts of terror" - but not specifically in reference to the Libya attack. . . .
"You can make the case that the president was referring to the Libya attacks as well as other "acts of terror," since he made the comment in the course of a statement about those attacks.
But the stronger case would seem to be that the president did not specifically refer to the attack as an act of terror - as Romney said."
Later, CBS released a tape dated 12 September 2012 that clearly showed Odumbo denying Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
CBS under fire for withholding Obama's Benghazi remarks
November 5, 2012.
"CBS News is continuing to draw fire for withholding footage of a
Sept. 12 interview with President Barack
Odumbo in which he
said it was "too early to tell" whether or not the previous day's attack in Benghazi, Libya, had been an act of terror.
"That remark, which was not included in the "60 Minutes" package that first aired on Sept. 23, was also left out of a subsequent package that aired in the days following the second presidential debate, when President Obama said that he had called the attack "an act of terror" in his Rose Garden address on Sept. 12, which took place before the interview."
BTW CBJ7, does Odumbo pay you as much as he pays Carney to lie?