Review pet peeve !!!!!

Okay you guys I COMPLETELY understand that the reviews are kinda important but mostly helpful for legitimacacy and comfort BUT DAMMIT some of these newbies aren't new to fucking .
What am I suppose to do about not having reviews because I'm just new to the SITE. I REFUSE to degrade myself doing ALOT for a little $$$ just for a "good review" when I know I can please my client. ADVICE PLEASE.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Add more pictures to your showcase, post your weekly ads (with pictures, guys are visual creatures you know), see the clients who are willing to take the chance on you, PROVIDE EXCELLENT SERVICE, and the reviews will come.

You just got here, you have very few pictures, you're CBJ (I think), and your pricing is above the it may take some time. But you'll get there.

Unfortunately in the meantime you're probably going to have to deal with the usual guys who try to take advantage of new girls on the scene or want cheap sessions. Sad but true.

Welcome to Eccie
What Spice said and maybe try a Review Special. Like an intro rate to start things off.

And, yes, please add more pics...!!! 1 pic just won't do.
What am I suppose to do about not having reviews because I'm just new to the SITE. I REFUSE to degrade myself doing ALOT for a little $$$ just for a "good review" when I know I can please my client. ADVICE PLEASE.
...... Originally Posted by Beautiful Empiress
Well it takes some time and work to write a thorough review. I love writing reviews but I usually spend more time on the review than I did in the fuck session.

So, over a year ago,...I resolved to just writing *NO* reviews and reviews to get new ladies like you a jump start or even verified. I do enjoy it....but it can eat up my time.

But (honesty alert),...Here is some text from your

Do you realize how much money that is?

.....and for a covered blow job?

For me, I could care less about the blow job. But 90% of Houston eccieTards aren't going in at any price for CBJ. And 300 is right out.

And that comment,...."DO NOT WASTE MY TIME" ......what a turn on *that* is.

Sorry....but you asked.
You are correct, reviews are for legitimacy. But it is also an account of what type of service you provide, which is equally important. Also, it is not only a list of things you provide, but how you provide them. i.e. her BBBJ was ok vs Damn it was the best BBBJ ever.

My suggestion is to provide those review specials to established reviewers. You know they will write a review.

It is like a new restaurant, you want people to come try you out and stray from their regular spot. So, you give out a special to entice them to check you out. Also, when it is slow you give out a special. IMO.

I would also suggestion you do some research on the Houston Market. Read the reviews, you will see what the hobbyists are looking for, rate and services. If you see, multiple reviews of the same provider, she is doing something to gain all those reviews.

It is your biz, so treat it as such. Make changes to it, to get the results you desire.

For example, If a provider is CBJ, I would not tell her about this site. Because the majority of the eccie hobbyists in Houston, want BBBJ. Why set her up for failure? She will have to be willing to do BBBJ before I tell her about this site.

Hope that helps.
The wise hippo has spoken...
A quick glance at your showcase also reveals an above average scale for a newbie. While you are VERY pretty, your services are still unverified to be requesting top dollar like that. I'm sure you may be able to prove your worth in time, but until then, it's a gamble when there are many other sure deals out there at a equal or lesser price tag.
Maybe run a review special until then? Like many others here, I have a solid rotation in that price range. I would rather see someone I know I will enjoy than to risk a maybe or a YMMV. It's not always about the $, for some of us it's a matter of having a open schedule, time is just as precious as money sometimes. Often it is more...

JB also adds good advice concerning BBBJ vs CBJ. Not many providers offer only covered, not many hobbyists are willing to see those when there are other options.
Is it just me?,....or does the white stripper in the background have her tit hanging out.

bigbadbill969's Avatar
So how is charging more less degrading?......A hooker is a hooker regardless of price.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is it just me?,....or does the white stripper in the background have her tit hanging out. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
No, it's not just you.

It's sort of "sticking" out with a perky, smallish, erect nipple. She's kinda cute too.

Doubles for $350?
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Maybe you should go back to backpage. 300/hr for a bad attitude from the start and a cbj is not something that will bring you success here. There are many fine ladies here for much cheaper who have a good history. Maybe try building your name up a little before trying to charge top dollar for backpage service.
RickyGshots's Avatar
keep talking that way hun and dont take any advice here. it'll work out coz you a queen and you a boss lady. you know how much you worth. keep on doin you. you dont need us coz yoo wuz made for success.
tbone77494's Avatar
^^^^ the dude abides.

Yes, the issue is not us trying to degrade you into working more for less. It's that $$$ for a cbj from a new girl who apparently has a bit of an attitude is way over the price range here. You are competing against great service, BBBJ, GFE, etc that can be had at a agency for $160 and by many Indy girls for $200-$250. You area simply priced too high.

Now, that's your right. You can price whatever you want and do or not do anything in a session. But that is the answer to you question.
citizen44's Avatar
From the photo, it appears she's a stripper. You can try to use reason with her, but every night she is retrained in strip club GPS and greed. You all might as well be shouting at a wall.
Be on top of your marketing as best you can. There are also other review boards, such as TER, as well as verification sites. And if you're not on P411, it'll probably be worth it to get on there soon. Bonus tip: ignore the haters and trolls.

Best of luck!