Today is the day.........

dearhunter's Avatar
It's Wednesday.

Today is the day when all hooktard wrongs will be made right on this SHMB.

Today is the day when potty mouth outing whores get to level the playing field.

Today is the day when the chant rings forth......."let my potty mouth outing people go".

Today is the day the Sanhedrin is called forth to deal with Wakeup.

Tebow be praised............amen
WTF Go back to sleep Mr DH is too early for this lmao
dearhunter's Avatar
CHumpday? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
fixed that for you
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Today is supposed to be the day of reckoning my friend but I have a sense that nothing will come of it. Don't let your hopes get to high.
dearhunter's Avatar
Fuck that...........NO JUSTICE NO PIECE
notanewbie's Avatar
just be happy and rejoice in it.
Hallelujah In The Name Of Holly Tebow
Did anyone put up a tent yet?

And order the Flavor-Aid?
Sarunga's Avatar
just be happy and rejoice in it. Originally Posted by notanewbie unhappy and whine about it.
Wakeup's Avatar
Is this going to as epic as the infamous cease and desist order? Just trying to gauge how much attention I need to be a lot of work to do today (see, some of Houston is busy as fuck and doesn't need to bitch about oil prices).
I'll just settle for a session with Dorthy and not give a Rat's Ass about the rest.
Better off that way ........
moonshiner's Avatar
A session with Dorthy? you'd definitely be settling.
dearhunter's Avatar
Then it is agreed.......Wakeup and that order.......since moonshiner will be back in........fuck, he's back already.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
In the name of the little baby infant just born TEbow.....AhMen