No need to rant or get mad about bbfs requests.

Not only does it not help or deter the one seeking it in any way, but it's fairly simple to resolve.

Real conversation from tonight:

Me: Let's fuck. Put that dick in me baby.
Him: I wanna feel that pussy baby. I wanna take the rubber off.
Me: People in hell want ice water.. bitch, knock it off!

*happy time with fucktard*

See; they do understand English.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
mmmmmm Ice Water
Champagne Brown's Avatar
To early for ice water lol...
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Vielen Dank, dass Hitler Nazis nicht in die Hölle kommen. Ski auf Hündinnen
[Thank Hitler Nazis don't go to hell. Ski on bitches]

[Nazi brand condoms]
dtymh55's Avatar
When do we get North Korea brand condoms.LOL
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ha! Yes, I also get the, "Oh, Fancy, I want to really FEEL you! Let me take it off, please, please, oh, baby, I'm safe, puleeze..." (Much begging and whining, which is unbecoming of a man, by the way, unless you want me to treat you like a biatch sub and whip your behind with my shamrock riding crop.)

My reply: "Oh, honey, I want to live in a castle like a princess on a gold throne and have the body of a 25-year-old porn star, but like Hell freezing over a snow cone stand in Death Valley in August, ain't happening."

Almost ALL fellows will try this at least once. Have to learn to deflect with a firm stand, hand, and a wee bit of humor. Big difference between a hopeful in-your-dreams plea and the act of actually removing a cover and barging on despite a denial. THOSE are the guys who deserve the flame blast effect.
I say, "how bout a nice bareback handjob instead? "
If you have to ask,.....'s probably not going to happen. know its the truth.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
In the name of Tebow.....ahman
I say, "how bout a nice bareback handjob instead? " Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Fuck that..
Richiej281's Avatar
Seems like guys ask for it a lot, smh....
There's always that milf chick from Dallas who is open to it
SpiceItUp's Avatar
It's not always coming from the guy.

Real conversation from a couple of days ago:

Me: That mouth feels great but damn, I need to fuck you.
Her: Mmm yeah! Do we need a condom? *starts stripper slide*
Me: Um, yes of course.
Her: *awkward pause* Oh, right. Always do! *gets one from drawer*
Me in my head: yeah right

*happy time with hooktard*

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
It's not always coming from the guy.

Real conversation from a couple of days ago:

Me: That mouth feels great but damn, I need to fuck you.
Her: Mmm yeah! Do we need a condom? *starts stripper slide*
Me: Um, yes of course.
Her: *awkward pause* Oh, right. Always do! *gets one from drawer*
Me in my head: yeah right

*happy time with hooktard*

Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
How many pms hit your inbox so far?
dearhunter's Avatar
Is it safe?
LMAO!!! You right tho chula

Not only does it not help or deter the one seeking it in any way, but it's fairly simple to resolve.

Real conversation from tonight:

Me: Let's fuck. Put that dick in me baby.
Him: I wanna feel that pussy baby. I wanna take the rubber off.
Me: People in hell want ice water.. bitch, knock it off!

*happy time with fucktard*

See; they do understand English.

Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus