I Found Wayward....

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I think this may be him.... if not it definitely sounds like one of our guys...
ferdburf's Avatar
You'll notice the female passenger said this culprit was "fumbling underneath a blanket." Wayway diddles himself 5-10 times a day and knows exactly where the equipment is; there's definitely no way he'd be "fumbling" while locating his short stack! Hell, he's half blind from all his autoerotica and he operates solely on touch!
dearhunter's Avatar
..............and that guy is too short to be Wayward.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did he leave any evidence?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Did he leave any evidence? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Can she pick him out in a Police Lineup?
pyramider's Avatar
Note to self: avoid airline blankets.
Note to self: avoid airline blankets. Originally Posted by pyramider
Ack!!!! I thought hotel bedspreads were bad,, now you got my mind going...
ferdburf's Avatar
Okay, TMFT, you found him. Now who's gonna hide him again? Lord knows he can't be left just running loose in the population at large again. He'll lose his way-way-way-way-way.