Coup Conspiracy or Spontasinous Protest Gone Astray? FBI Muddies The Water.

ICU 812's Avatar
Now the FBI has revealed that there were FBI informants among the organized groups that participated in the Jan 6th events. Seems there were more than just aq few.

Which muddies the water a bit. If the FBI had prior knowledge of a planned "coupe attempt" through their informants, why did they not move to stop it?

If, on the other hand, the Jan 6th events were a spontaionus out break of misguided enthusiasm as the FBI is now saying it was . . .that spikes any prosecution of participants in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

So why are those people in solitary confinement without bail or charges?
  • Tiny
  • 09-29-2021, 06:36 AM
Why does the United States have the highest incarceration rate in the world? Why do people here go to jail for nonviolent drug crimes? Why does the FBI set up people like Martha Stewart and Michael Flynn?

From watching the videos, some of those people do deserve some jail time. To be clear though, whoever took a dump on Nancy Pelosi’s desk deserves nothing worse than probation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Because the lying has to continue for the narrative ,,,,
So - is the pencil-necked fellow Shiff gonna have a go at "investigating" all of this? ... Might wanna vote quickly on the Big Democratic spending plan. Government surely will need to pay-out money $$$ to all the people they wrongly got sitting in the hoosegow. And, of course, their Barristers. It's the American way!

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because you can never get enough!

HedonistForever's Avatar
Now the FBI has revealed that there were FBI informants among the organized groups that participated in the Jan 6th events. Seems there were more than just aq few.

Which muddies the water a bit. If the FBI had prior knowledge of a planned "coupe attempt" through their informants, why did they not move to stop it?

If, on the other hand, the Jan 6th events were a spontaionus out break of misguided enthusiasm as the FBI is now saying it was . . .that spikes any prosecution of participants in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

So why are those people in solitary confinement without bail or charges? Originally Posted by ICU 812

And who broke this story first? Tucker Carlson, that's who and he was called a conspiracy nut just like when he broke the Hunter story and to many more to list.

The idiots over at CNN and MSNBC had a good laugh that night " Tucker Carlson blames FBI for Jan. 6th riot, how absurd!" Really? Not so absurd now huh?

Why didn't the FBI stop it if they had pre-knowledge?
Still absurd.

Unless we now have a division called Pre-Crime to stop people before they act.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ there was a movie about that ^^
pfunkdenver's Avatar
^^ there was a movie about that ^^ Originally Posted by rexdutchman
A fictional movie. Do you know the difference?
No he doesn’t.
Actually, the question was WHY didn't the FBI put a stop to the whole thing in advance. Fill the area in front of the Capitol there with police or army rangers so nobody would enter. Or even shoot out tear gas fumes into the crowd?

But - NO, they let some o' the crowd waltz right inside, though for invaders - they surely lacked the weapons to do anything. And a few of the bounders inside who broke glass or sacked a closed office were GOVERMENT agents in disguise! No bleedin' wonder the FBI didn't want to release the videos from inside to the public. We'd SEE the faces of just who did the damage! Some of them government agents - NOT protestours.

Oddly, we don't hear ANY tales of people being attacked INSIDE the Capitol. Just the girl shot by police. Must o' been mainly a peaceful protest.

Hmmm... Wondering if the governmental officials set this whole thing up?
Why not? They surely got away with pushing a phony "collusion" bit about Trump and Russia. No consequences yet. Much like the bullshit Bengazzi story Hillary danced with in front of Congress.

I gotta ask - anybody else find interesting that some o' the SAME faces of government intelligence who told ya that Iraq got weapons of mass destruction - are the same ones who told ya Trump colluded with the Russians?

Nice, honest intelligence you fellows got running things here.

### Salty
Trump and his idiot followers set the whole thing up. Any other explanation is pretty dumb. Don’t go trying to come up with ridiculous and asinine rationales for why people attacked the Capitol and Metro police to gain access to the Capitol to stop congress from proceeding with confirming the electoral vote. The stretch of imagination of conspiracy theorists is amazing. Let me make this simple for you.

Trump told the big lie that he won the election and there was voter fraud.

Trump supporters and cynical republicans seeing an opportunity to make gazilions of money furthered the big lie.

Trump and organizers convinced people to show up in Washington to pressure legislators to overturn the election results.

Trump and some followers gave speeches again telling people the big lie and convincing them that they could stop the confirmation of Joe Biden.

Concurrently with and subsequent to the speeches some pretty stupid people decided to attack the Capitol because they believed the Big Lie.

That’s it. That’s all. It really simple. Took some really stupid people to fall for the big lie but America has no shortage of dumb and stupid people that believe that - apositive to the evidence - Trump won and there is massive widespread voter fraud. Those same stupid people attacked the Capitol.

Trying to blame the government, FBI l, Antifa and anyone else is a tool of the stupid. Tells us all we need to know about some people.
Surely don't wanna get into name-calling, so I'll merely point out that YOUR credibility goes out the window every time you post.

Perfect example that I'll point out:

YOU - surely believed (and maybe STILL do) that Trump colluded with Russia -- even that it's been PROOVEN to be A LIE created by people from Perkins-Coie, working for the Hillary Clinton people.
THIS is a FACT! -Yes?

But you cannot bring yerself to believe that your government would lie to you and bring in votes (that would never be checked) into elections to favour Biden over Trump?

'Course there's also the news media all telling Americans that Hunter Biden's laptop computer was "Russian disinformation" and NOT true.
Which of course was yet another lie. It's really his.
Do ya think that maybe if this TRUTH revealed before the
election it just might have gave people a pause in voting
for Biden??

But YOU cannot see these LIES and possible election fraud?

How Sad...

### Salty
What the fuck are you talking about. Oh nothing at all to do with what was being discussed. And so you know, there was no voter fraud and no shipped in ballots. That belief is next level stupid and has been proven false over and over. It’s a conspiracy theory of the highest order. That tells me all I need to know about your credibility.
ICU 812's Avatar
Still absurd.

Unless we now have a division called Pre-Crime to stop people before they act. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Isn't that exactly how the FBI stopped the plot to abduct the Governor of Michigan?

I understood that they managed to get an informant on the inside of that in the planning stage and arrested everyone before they could act.

Given that the FBI had people on the inside of several groups there at the rally before anything happened at the Capital Building, they should have had prior knowledge of what was about to hasppen and get reinforcements into play . . . .IF THERE INDEED WS A PLOT TO TAKE OVER THE BUILDING. . . .as the initial official narrative went.

If, on the other hand, if the FBI had informants inside several groups at the rally, and they had no prior knowledge of a pre-planned action, then the take over was actually a spontaneous expression of exuberant protest. . . . .and all those in solitary should only be charged with trespass or anything other than conspiracy to overthrow the government. And the false narrative of a pre-planned conspiracy w3as just made up by the mainstream press . . .and the FBI allowed that to go forward.