New city

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It's night. An unfamiliar city. The restaurant is what you expect. You look down from above through the glass. . Your partner ever silently glides to your side and takes your hand. Warm. Firm. You respond in kind.You think, “I'm not alone. This is good.” Then you notice an older couple that sees the two of you and they smile and wink. "I wish." You really do. Then your mind wanders to your past. What your father taught you. What your mother never did. Things feel good at the moment. Inside. Inside you tell yourself time is a cruel master. Push that aside. You will live young forever. You slowly turn your head and as time slows you gaze into your partners eyes. You pout, then a smile forces itself to the side of your lips. Your eyes tighten in joy. You feel an ache deep inside. You feel happy but you know there is more. Much more. If only. God dammit if only. I am much, much more you say. I am immortal...... You hope.