So When Is Trump Going To Spill The Beans?

Supposedly Trump (and Barr) had information as to Obama's involvement in the Dossier and Overthrow attempt. Other top officials involvement too. I thought Barr talked him out of declassifying. When will Trump declassify that information about quid pro Joe and his son? If he declassifies it, will it actually see the light of day?

Pretty soon it'll be now or never.
  • Tiny
  • 01-08-2021, 12:24 PM
Dream on. If that existed and Trump knew about it, it would have been public information long ago.
Shit, Trump should just dump all the top secret shit he's privy to if he's going down. Go out with a bang.
Lapdog's Avatar
Shit, Trump should just dump all the top secret shit he's privy to if he's going down. Go out with a bang. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Chances are real good that he's never even read any of it.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shit, Trump should just dump all the top secret shit he's privy to if he's going down. Go out with a bang. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
true dat! them dims would have lots to splainin too!

They be like duh huh ahh but what ?
Then fall back to the usual "bully racist and fear mongering" attacks!
Chances are real good that he's never even read any of it. Originally Posted by Lapdog
lol, yeah, probably true.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Dream on. If that existed and Trump knew about it, it would have been public information long ago. Originally Posted by Tiny

I don't know about the Obama stuff but there was plenty of formally classified information that the new DNI Radcliff made available that Trump should have know but did tell us. Remember Adam Schiff telling us he had the proof that Trump conspired to interfere in the election and that he got that information from Intelligence and other government officials? DNI released those classified discussions that Schiff had with those people like Clapper and Brennan and to a person said they never had any such evidence and never told Adam Schiff any such thing. To this day, Adam Schiff has not paid a price for that lie. How about the fact that council for the FBI lied on a FISA document? I think that was information that could have been released sooner. I never understood why Trump never went through with "de-classifying everything" like he said he was going to do.
matchingmole's Avatar
I don't know about the Obama stuff but there was plenty of formally classified information that the new DNI Radcliff made available that Trump should have know but did tell us. Remember Adam Schiff telling us he had the proof that Trump conspired to interfere in the election and that he got that information from Intelligence and other government officials? DNI released those classified discussions that Schiff had with those people like Clapper and Brennan and to a person said they never had any such evidence and never told Adam Schiff any such thing. To this day, Adam Schiff has not paid a price for that lie. How about the fact that council for the FBI lied on a FISA document? I think that was information that could have been released sooner. I never understood why Trump never went through with "de-classifying everything" like he said he was going to do. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Because he is a serial liar
Even the liar in chief of biggest ass lies can't lie that good to make that shit up

America is smart again though ☝
You guys missed the very first word...SUPPOSEDLY. NOT Actually. How is it people keep falling for bullshit comments that are not supported by proven FACT.