Exposed !!! Oh My

berryberry's Avatar
Now we know that big tech, the media and Senile Biden's clean-up crew at the FBI will try to bury as much of this as possible - but reports are all over that 4chan tonight cracked Hunter Biden's private iCloud and iPhone backups and leaked them online

Doubt most of this will see the light of day but the shit is hitting the fan.

Can't post a lot of stuff here or even the couple news reports as it involves some very sick shit that are against this site's rules and I don't use 4chan. But there were multiple reports and / or screenshots on Twitter of things showing

* A photo of Hunter Biden on a FaceTime call with a girl tied up and a bag over her head as he eats a sandwich should give you an idea of ​​the magnitude.

* Proof that Hunter is a **** (can't mention as the sexual practice he engaged in is against site rules)

* There's a lot of docs about Senile Biden investments with Hunter that are going to blow everyone's minds. They are still going through all the invest connections.

* Hunter Biden calls his father “Pedo Peter” in private (apparently for good reason)

* Senile Joe Biden showered with ******* (can't mention as the practice he engaged in is against site rules)

* Hunter committing incest

* Hunter Biden has some interesting contacts. I bet those FBI VIP and OVP (Office of the VP) contacts were very handy. “Notes: Only call if absolutely necessary”

* Text messages claiming there are “more weapons in your son’s room than in an armory,”

* Electronic payments to a host of Russian hookers

Like I said - some sick, sick shit.

Janitors on 4chan moved quickly in the hours after the content was posted to pull down threads that included materials from the leak. But people have already created torrents for the Hunter Biden iPhone and iCloud backups and are now seeding them. That means even if 4chan gets shut down the copies will still be out there. So more stuff will likely come out down the road

And remember - according to Senile Biden - Hunter is the smartest guy he knows

And before anyone makes some bullshit remark that this is right wing disinformation, I doubt the 4chan folks care about political affiliation. And I get these sources are not mainstream news sources and can't be independently verified (except of course looking at the photo's / videos / text message that would be impossible to fake) - but if you search well enough (assuming they don't get taken down which is possible) you can find the supporting tweets / screenshots / source documents / articles I used to compile the above news. Given the media covered up Hunter's laptop right before the election in order to help Senile Biden, I really doubt you will have them reporting on this type of material and the way it was obtained.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Those weirdos at 4chan are amazing investigators, the FBI should start feeding their guys Doritos and Mt Dew. If you haven’t read about it already, check out 4chan vs Shia Labouf’s anti-Trump Flag. They track it down in the middle of a field with astrology and aircraft routes.

That aside, I wouldn’t download the torrent unless you’d enjoy Biden’s brownshirts breaking your door down at 4AM. It’s tempting, but we jail political adversaries these days.
That aside, I wouldn’t download the torrent unless you’d enjoy Biden’s brownshirts breaking your door down at 4AM. It’s tempting, but we jail political adversaries these days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

No, you mean we "re-educate" them in their ways, Comrade.
berryberry's Avatar
Those weirdos at 4chan are amazing investigators, the FBI should start feeding their guys Doritos and Mt Dew.

That aside, I wouldn’t download the torrent unless you’d enjoy Biden’s brownshirts breaking your door down at 4AM. It’s tempting, but we jail political adversaries these days. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh, I agree on both counts. You can't criticize the regime

Plus based on reports, there is porn that would be considered illegal starring Hunter on said torrent
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yup, and even tho he who’s banging y**** g****, you’d be the one locked up for possession and distribution. Anything in torrent form is automatically considered distribution.

Ask me how I know. (Revenge of the Sith).
berryberry's Avatar
Oh wow just read from a legit news guy on Twitter that 4chan has found what appears to be Senile Joe Biden's WhatsApp number and have started sending him memes like crazy. Senile Biden was last online yesterday.

Another question - Why does Hunter send pics of himself plowing a hooker to his dad?

And Big Tech to the rescue

... I surely saw some screen shots from this already.
I mentioned it awhile-back in another thread.

Joe was "in on the action" also...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden has documented himself committing dozens of crimes in his text messages and on video.

If any other American did half of what he has done, they’d be in jail already.

Instead, since Hunter’s dad is President, he gets to sit front row at at White House just this past week.

berryberry's Avatar
From Paul Sperry - an investigative journalist and Hoover Institution media fellow. His articles have appeared in the New York Post, Investor's Business Daily, and The Wall Street Journal.

He helped expose former Obama aide Eric Ciaramella as the whistleblower who tried to sabotage President Trump

Now this: DEVELOPING: US officials tell me Biden, both as POTUS & VPOTUS, has recv'd so-called “defensive briefings” by FBI C.I. agents re Chinese intel services' attempts to penetrate WH thru his family (Hunter + Jimmy) doing biz w Chinese fronts, but Biden has brushed off their warnings

as well as

Senate staffers investigating Hunter & Jim Biden alleged laundering $5m in funds from Chinese mil front CEFC are zeroing in on POTUS sister-in-law SARA BIDEN, a lawyer-consultant who refused to provide their bank the docs explaining irregular transfers flagged by Treasury